In May last year, the global Etsy community the sak has begun to organize the sak themselves in order to protect net neutrality and to avoid applying the sak the so-called "fast lane" on the Internet. More than 30, 000 Etsy members have the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Congress of the United States under the #InternetSlowDown -Aktionstages contacted. Etsy Shop owners have sent "hand-made" comments to the FCC and urged them to protect the free and open Internet. Members of our global community have joined the cause by have spread the news on social media. Etsy staff have also official comments submitted, met with the chairman of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, and participated in discussions of the Federal Communications Commission.
In February, the sak the joint effort has paid off then: The FCC voted to establish rules to protect net neutrality. You have rejected a proposal that would have allowed big companies to meet with broadband Internet providers agreements for faster Internet access, which would have banned all others to the "slow lane" the information superhighway. Our arguments we presented not by an army of lobbyists or by paying political contributions, but by telling the stories of our Etsy seller. "Our strength comes straight from our community," the sak said Althea Erickson, Director of Public Policy on Etsy, in an article in the New York Times about the decision by the FCC.
We would like to Etsy sellers from around the world acknowledge the support for the realization of net neutrality - and for all that you contributes every day that makes our community so special. For more details you can have a look at success in the fight for net neutrality throw. Then read on here for more news of last month, z. B. Information on upcoming events, new features on our site and much more. New Features for Your Shop
This month we have new tools introduced that allows the management of your stores (and managing teams) facilitate. New Products Categories: In February, we have introduced new products categories that make it easier for sellers to classify items matching, and buyers will help you to find exactly what you are looking the sak for. We have collected feedback from vendors to create these new categories, and we will continue to incorporate the sak your feedback into future the sak releases. Tell us here, what do you think so. More about the new products categories you can find out here. New Products Manager: the sak Since the beginning of February, the new Article Manager is ready for use. About 150 000. Shop owners have already incorporated it into their daily workflow. Based on the feedback from the seller, we have added new features, including: broader description fields to make it easier to set longer descriptions, as well as the opportunity to see the title of the article, while adding or editing tags. Over the coming weeks, all the new tools vendor know you. Find out more about the new products manager here. Team banner on Etsy Local: New Creatives have buyers indicate when a Local Etsy event is organized by a team. Do you plan itself soon a team event? Tell us in the registration form and we will add them your team banner to the event on Etsy Local and in the events added. Here is an example of how the whole thing looks like in action: The 5th Annual Indie Arts & Music Festival, organized by the Etsy Little Rock team. Teams invitation only: We provide team captains more control over how they manage their team. So far captains were able to define their teams as either open or moderated. Now a team can be created as closed and prospective the sak team members can only join if team captains or team leader to invite them. Shipping upgrades for mobile Buyer: buyers now have the option to add a shipping upgrade when they go on their Android or iOS devices with Etsy app to checkout. We provide online and offline training for entrepreneurs
Offline training events give you the opportunity to connect with other creative entrepreneurs. At the same time you acquire new skills, you can also use them to improve your shop. Australian retailers have recently met in Apple stores in Brisbane and Melbourne to get advice from Bea Bellingham, founder of Things by Bea, and Kirsten Devitt, founder of Each To Own. You also learned how to use Apple tools, including iPhoto and Pages to edit Store photos and designing marketing material.
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