Wednesday, March 4, 2015

True: Studies show that excess sleep, is not healthy. kik textil The results showed that the percen

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If you sometimes have difficulty getting to sleep or have insomnia, you may think you know what caused this situation. But Michelle kik textil Drerap, doctor of psychology clinical center for dealing with disruptive sleep in Cleveland and creator of the online program "GO! To sleep ", reveals 9 myths associated with sleep, which we have always heard from older people, that is the reason why we feel tired or sleep during the day.
The truth: Everyone kik textil has a different need for sleep. There is absolutely kik textil nothing magical number 8. Some people need 8-9 hours of sleep to feel rested during the day, and the other only six, because the need for sleep varies from person to person. Key to feel energetic throughout the day, is in finding your individual needs for sleep. To find your way, you can test how many hours of sleep you need to feel relaxed, refreshed and renewed the next day. When you have no obligations kik textil the next day, turn off the alarm, go to bed before midnight and see when you wake up the next day. 2. Myth: The more you sleep, the better you feel
True: Studies show that excess sleep, is not healthy. kik textil The results showed that the percentage of those people who sleep 6 to 8 hours a day have a lower mortality rate, compared with those who slept more than eight hours, where there were progressively increasing mortality kik textil rate. Although it is unclear whether a longer sleep alone causes poor health or is the result of other unspecified health problems, there are diseases that are associated with the passage of more time in bed as, depression, uncontrolled diabetes and obstructive cessation of breathing kik textil dream.
True: Consistency is the best solution - our body in the best condition if every morning you get out of bed at the same time. This "replacement" of missed sleep from working week, over the weekend, it disturbs the circadian rhythm of life and does not feel feels fresher, if a little more we pospale. Therefore, the people hardest to sleep on Sunday night. Here's why: If you sleep on Sunday to 11 pm, you can expect that your body will be ready for bed at 22 pm, just as the morning should become at 6 am for work or school. If you turn over in bed from side to side, it means that your body tells you that it is not relaxed enough to be ready for sleep. So, trying to get enough sleep during the weekend, do you feel worse, creating a cycle of sleep problems.
It's true: Watching TV just before the hour when most often lie to sleep, especially in the bedroom, it prevents quality sleep. kik textil Television stimulate: the sounds, kik textil lights flash and engagement by your brain you stay awake. Night shows like Criminal series, news, etc., also increase your tension, which obviously does not help you to relax and sleep. If you watch TV while lying in bed, you subconsciously kik textil connect with lying awake and not asleep state of your body and mind. This habit can also lead to unnecessary waking at night, especially if you sleep with the TV turned on. Not only TV device incompatible with sleep. Nor eat, talk on the phone to check email or browse utility bills while lying in bed and prepare for sleep. Avoid everything that creates tension.
True: When you can not sleep you should get up and do another

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