Saturday, February 21, 2015

to 3 days

Sports team sports Basketball Volleyball Other Handball Futsal / Football Individual Sports Martial Athletics Other Sports Swimming Water Sports Sports Gymnastics conditional training Methodology Fund Diet athletes Stay in nature camping in nature Orientation in nature CMS Veles Veles Association pal zileri of Sports pal zileri Sports events
In order to effectively develop curriculum HIF / SSA, in which each student will enable success, quality kinezioloshka pedagogy, teacher HIF / SAA careful process of evaluation and planning. Teacher HIF / SSA combines expectations by age of students, creativity and requirements included in the national program, including the interests and needs of each individual student and group of students in a cohesive framework. Cycle assessment planning pal zileri supports the development and learning of each student, relying on uchenikovata innate curiosity, previous knowledge, skills, interests and experiences. It is the process encourages the development of self-assessment and the use of learning skills. Using systematic observation of students and other appropriate strategies teachers HIF / SAA create long-term pal zileri and short-term educational plans that include individual and group interests, which encourage students to new achievements. Teacher HIF / SSA makes planning based on what students know and understand, and it is determined pal zileri necessary to each student to fully realize their potential. Plans should allow for different abilities and learning styles of each child and can be modified if there is a need for it. In the cycle of assessment and planning should include students, families and professionals in the field of Kinesiology. Assessment pal zileri and planning should be precisely defined and flexible, taking into account progress in learning and what happens in the life of the student, community and the world, to determine where to make improvements and to define the following procedures.
Teacher HIF / SAA regularly and systematically monitor the progress pal zileri of each student in the process of learning the sport and his achievements. - Teacher uses systematic observation and other appropriate tools for assessment pal zileri that reflect the process and outcomes of learning and development. - The teacher assesses the child should be involved to learn with understanding and making appropriate adjustments accordingly. - Teacher exercised in the evaluation pal zileri process to take into account and relies on the stronger side of the student's individual interests and needs.
Teacher HIF / SAA plan teaching and learning according pal zileri to the information we have for students and in accordance with national standards. - Teacher HIF / SAA planned activities appropriate to the estimated pal zileri level of development and interests of students to enable them to reach the required competencies for research - teacher HIF / SAA planned activities based on students' interests and finding ways to meet the individual styles each child. - Teacher HIF / SSA uses detailed planning that will allow balanced individual approach, work in small groups or whole class / class. - Teacher HIF / SAA prepares more diverse activities so that students are constantly engaged and encouraged for new motor challenges. pal zileri - Planning and implementation of teacher HIF / SAA should be flexible to recognize and incorporate the changes taking place in terms of the conditions, and the changes pal zileri that occur in the interests and needs of students.
Teacher HIF / SSA include students, families and relevant experts in the process of assessing and planning motor advances - teacher HIF / SSA helps students pal zileri to become successful in self-assessment and decision-making for their learning and behavior based on clear and consistent criteria - teacher HIF / SAA directs students to the evaluation procedures and the work of others - teacher HIF / SSA shares with families information on motor skills progress of students and their interests and together define short- and long-term individual goals - when necessary teacher HIF / SAA in the process pal zileri of assessing and planning includes appropriate experts.
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