Linhas two US airlines negam-is to embark Passageiros because sua da roupa Corbis. Várias US air tem linhas be denied boarding by levarem supostamente certain Passageiros roupa pouco suitable finishing. Só com is lhes ofers to oportunidade moved from roupa voar ou não, alguns Passageiros is sentem discriminated, reports Associated Press. Certa O CRIOU depois controversial issue that duas mulheres receberam this tratamento American nuns eo contaram to uns blogueiros aeroportos. Uma delas delas duma denunciou that um empregado lhe air linha admoestou by ter um "big demais" decote. Outra enfrentou-se com um da Companhia American Airlines pilot who lhe obrigou to cobrir-se com um lenço a shirt, joe snyder já that nela estava written um palavrão. joe snyder Days ago, ao Arijit Guha, um da Universidade joe snyder estudante Arizona State do, não lhe board permitiram num voo no Aeroporto da linha Delta Buffalo, State of Nova Iorque joe snyder by post uma t weigh two Federais agents seguranca and written tinha is burlava as palavras: Terrists gonna kill us all "(" Earthists vão-kill us all ").
Guha tinha declarou that placed this tee com misspelled protest em palavra hair that considers racial joe snyder discriminação aeroportos us. But pensou pilot or poderia assustar you demais Passageiros. As afirmam Aerolinhas that reembolsam or preço do bilhete to be não lhe um Passageiro permitem board for wearing uma roupa that imprópria consideram eles. Entanto No, I Empregados das air linhas asseguram que não infringem lei nenhuma pedindo years Passageiros that troquem of roupa ou renunciem to voar. "É as qualquer negócio of serviço. It você tem um family restaurant and alguém começar screaming palavrões joe snyder ali, will be Obrigado to lhe ask essa pessoa joe snyder which goes embora "diz Kenneth Quinn, advogado esperto em um aviação joe snyder issues. Outros advogados joe snyder specialized subject area na afirmam that Primeira Emenda joe snyder à Constituição American proibir ao Governo limit or direito liberdade of Expressão of pessoa, more uma, não às estabelecidas standards applied by private companies. Ou seja, já that as linhas areas e seus aviões são private propriedade e não um espaço public, will give membros tripulação we podem indicate or so deve weigh us you aviões não clear fica e não is formulated em nenhum place, or allows Multiple Frames interpretações and tratamento discriminatory sem um uma razão verificável.
US Airlines refuse to board passengers for their clothes Corbis. Several US airlines have refused to ship certain passengers to bring a supposedly inadequate clothing. Only to be given the option to change clothes or not fly, some passengers feel discriminated against, reports Associated Press. The problem aroused some controversy after two women received this treatment in some US airports and tell them about bloggers. joe snyder One reported that an employee of an airline had admonished him for having a neckline "too big". Another faced with a pilot of American Airlines that forced him to be covered with a handkerchief her shirt as she appeared in a written word. A few days ago, a Arijit Guha, a student at Arizona State University, was not allowed to board a Delta flight line at the airport in Buffalo, New York, for wearing a shirt that mocked agents federal safety and had written the words: "Terrists gonna kill us all" ("Earthists going to kill us all"). Guha said she had worn this shirt with the misspelled word in protest against what he considers racial discrimination at airports. But the pilot thought he could scare the other passengers. The airlines say reimburse the ticket price if a passenger boarding joe snyder allow you to wear clothes that they consider inappropriate. However, joe snyder employees of airlines say they do not violate any law asking passengers to change or give up flying. "It's like any business service. If you have a family restaurant and someone starts yelling expletives joe snyder there, he will be forced to ask that person to leave, "says Kenneth Quinn, an attorney experienced in aviation matters. Other attorneys in the field say that the First Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits the government from limiting the right of freedom of expression of a person, but does not apply to the standards joe snyder set by private companies. So, as the airlines and their aircraft are privately owned and not a public space, the crew can tell us how to dress. For its part, the critics complain that the regulation of clothing to be carried on airplanes is unclear and is not formulated anywhere, allowing multiple interpretations and
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