Breast milk is the ideal food according to the composition and nutritional value is fully adapted to the baby, says Vijesti pediatrician loden others. Vera Jankovic, talking about the benefits of breastfeeding loden in relation to the artificial diet. She noted that breast milk is rich in immunoglobulins and the perfect protection from infections. - The initial breast milk is considered as the first vaccine to the baby, said others. Jankovic. It points loden out that despite breastfed babies get sick less often, less suffer from allergic diseases loden or they appear later. - We should not forget our economic advantage, breast milk is cheaper than artificial and many said Dr. Jankovic. The question to which month should breastfeed the baby, she said that the world's recommendations are that the baby needs to breastfeed 6 months, without the addition of other foods and beverages. - After that introduces a non-dairy diet, breastfeeding continues even if the first year of life, and it is recommended that after that period. The characteristics of breast milk says has an ideal ratio of water and dry matter. - These are small molecules tailored digestion and resorption in young and immature gastrintestinalen tract baby, said others. Jankovic, pointing out that no matter how we try to technology to make artificial milk as breast, that can not succeed completely.
- Some materials can be produced only in a natural way, and not be synthesized artificially, she says. She also points out that breast milk is always ready and hygienic thermal, while artificial must be done and can easily deviate from the norm. - The weight of the baby breastfeed loden ideal, and baby receiving artificial food often starts obese, said Dr. Jankovic. Happy and satisfied babies Breast milk is not only important for the physical health of the baby, it affects his mental health. - It is not only food, but also emotional closeness and security. that research showed that such children are more stable and more secure in themselves. Besides emotional stability, such children are more intelligent for one amino acid that is needed loden for the development of the brain, which is absent in formula milk. Breastfed babies breast milk, because the whole being that it adopts, are happy and satisfied and are well placed to be such when they become adults, said Dr. Jankovic. About how many times a day should breastfeed the baby and how long, etc. neonatologist. Enver Lekic said that for successful breastfeeding, despite optimal health of mother and child are important preconditions for the first podoj over 2 hours after delivery, breastfeeding more often at the request of the baby and nourishing nighttime loden breastfeeding babies. loden - No need to watch the clock, nor strictly comply with the time intervals between loden two breastfeeding. In the first week after delivery creation of milk depends breastfeeding, said others. Lekic.
- Stimulation of breastfeeding and the amount of milk that are empty increase the amount and speed of creating new milk. Thus model baby milk production according to their needs, she says. Emphasized that the number of doenjata the first week after birth may be 6 to 10 times, loden 2 to 4 weeks, 6-8 times in the second month, 6 times, 3 to 4 months, 5-6 times, 5-6 months 5 times to 12 times 4 months. - The duration of breastfeeding depends on the amount of milk and the speed with which flows the strength and vigilance of the baby, and can last from 10 to 30 minutes, loden said Lekic. - Babies loden with lower body weight slowly suck, so breastfeeding can last 45 minutes, no rules. Each baby has individual loden needs of the number of breastfeeding and duration of breastfeeding, she says. Dr.. Lekic said that mothers who breastfeed faster strengthening of delivery, loden have a lower risk of postpartum haemorrhage, rarely suffer from postpartum depression, a reduced risk of developing premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian rarely suffer from osteoporosis. Breastfeeding also brings lower risk of anemia, and better control of weight after delivery. The most common prejudices - In practice very often and easily make individual decisions about adding replace breast milk without valid medical loden indications and real needs, said others. Lekic. It emphasizes that breastfeeding is not easy. It takes desire for breastfeeding, to have the right information and knowledge of all the benefits of breastfeeding for her baby, supporting her husband and family, and support of civil society through projects that encourage and assist breastfeeding exclusively about the child from his birth. It points out that there are many misconceptions concerning breastfeeding, such that easily outperform until they of which are difficult to give up. - So often encounter - milk may suddenly disappear, smaller breasts and creates less milk if you breastfeed often milk may disappear if baby
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