Thursday, June 19, 2014

We follow the School Absenteeism World Cup in Brazil Turmoil in Iraq Folkemødet paris fashion week

<Img src="/NR/rdonlyres/84828B02-8A38-4C6C-8B1B-BC1445A75E56/4536471/e2b98af8ea594f59b73f178a60be6d11_1e3e730740ae4e52b.jpg" paris fashion week alt = "1e3e730740ae4e52ba5c02e4fa345ece amalienborg. " width = "620" height paris fashion week = "349" role = "presentation" aria-hidden = "true" /> Look who sits in parliament. Read about politicians
Use of tiphonorarer media must now be scrutinized. 06 June 2014 pm. 15:41 Updated 06 June 2014 pm. 15:42 SF's spokesman, Karina Lorentzen, who is also chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Affairs Committee is concerned that a tiphonorar may lead some to commit a crime, as in See and Hear the case where a person alleged to have systematically monitored several well-known persons credit card transactions. Photo: Marie Ravn Nielsen DR
The Parliamentary Culture and Legal Affairs decreases for a variety of experts and represents the press to scrutinize some of the issues that See and Hear case has helped to highlight. Moral and ethical issues
- Amongst other things they look at the problems - moral and ethical - that can be when you pay tips, money, or as some say sticking money for information that you do not know how is provided, said Liberal medieordfører, Ellen Trane Nørby.
According to SF's spokesman, Karina Lorentzen, who is also chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, a tiphonorar lead some to commit a crime, as in See and Hear the case where a person alleged to have systematically monitored several well-known persons credit card transactions. No legislation
- There is a concern over the use of the fees associated with getting tips, for it provides some incentives in committing a crime or levererer information for the wrong reasons, she says.
- See and Hear the case has, indeed, a great many people the perception paris fashion week that the information they currently can not fail to disclose to the public authorities and private companies that are not taken good enough care of them and that there is a risk of abuse, says Karina Lorentzen. Share this article: Mail Twitter Facebook paris fashion week Print Share article: Mail Twitter Facebook
See also Timeline: paris fashion week Here's Look and Listen scandal day by day Minister: Journalists can already go to jail Management Expert: Allers top management should consider going See and flax decrease paris fashion week in sales has taken hold Police: Hush-hush source can not dictate police work Socialdemokrat on See and Hear-case: The accusation becomes coarser and coarser Aller will limit police access to View and flax IT equipment Police on See & Hear case: Therefore, we first arrested Qvortrup today Examination of Look and Listen is finished in late June
Politics latest news FACTS Game of EU top job at. 16:32 Expert: Merkel and Thorning sent important signals at. 16:30 New leak of politicians' social security numbers pm. 13:30 ANALYSIS socialists succession ready at. 12:04 Development: Continued Danish support for GGGI pm. 11:36 See all news about politics
Hear program
0.8% O DF
Uffe Tang ANALYSIS: Is Kristian Jensen man or a mouse? See all analyzes
Most read this week A blacksmith and Kjaersgaard won it on Folkemødet 15. June 2014 pm. 07:30 Lars Løkke Public meeting: Close Denmark for those who will not help 14. June 2014 pm. 16:30 activist publishes defense minister social paris fashion week security number 13. June 2014 pm. 21:07 TIMELINE GGGI case overturned minister and still loop problems pm. 11:20 DF-President: You can not run away, Thorning 14. June 2014 pm. 12:43
Most shared last week preparedness is sent in stormy weather 18. June 2014 pm. 08:05 Government condemns CPR leak: Illegal and tasteless 16. June 2014 pm. 17:38 activist publishes defense minister social security number 13. June 2014 pm. 21:07 Barfoed criticize Løkkes agreement with the government: unambitious and outrageous 17. June 2014 pm. 22:09 Danish paris fashion week politicians opens up new military intervention in Iraq 13. June 2014 pm. 13:46
We follow the School Absenteeism World Cup in Brazil Turmoil in Iraq Folkemødet paris fashion week 2014 Ukraine Loop case See & Hear Case News on your smartphone Get EP result on your mobile The new programs on DR2 More
latest news poet Yahya Hassan booed out of new large mosque at. 20:24 Get your prejudices confirmed: paris fashion week North Jutes are farmers and fishermen, and in the capital danced the ballet pm. 20:17 Obama: U.S. ready to send 300 military advisers to Iraq pm. 20:08 Danish prices are by far the EU's highest at. 19:56 Swedish police arrest suspected bomber pm. 19:50 Bomb Drama in Stockholm pulls out at. 19:31 Kill the neighbor's pet punished as vandalism pm. 19:21 cuckoo in the eternal arms race with its host birds at. 19:14 Expert: Danish cooperation with the NSA spy service not surprised at. 18:41 Danish fire preparedness for Kosovo pm. 18:40 See all novelt

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