Monday, June 23, 2014

Archive 2014 L

Elke does that mean that for many otaku con is a unique opportunity to show off the new cosplaye on which have worked months before departure. This means that a planned ten nonsensical ca4la things tagged with the pictures on Ksichtknížce, with groups of people raving how it will be amazing, but eventually escaped deed '- I did not include it, they found that the tape will not save everything, and the two cosplaye, them left after the reduction, sewed the night before the Con. Hmm, or so I'm ca4la only doing this? : 'D That is how he looked like a lot of costumes that you had the "honor" to meet Advík. ca4la Admit it, who horrified turn away your eyes from flowing threads, kastrolovitých wigs and orange trick? Luckily, i found a high number of quality pieces around which centered all interest, and the husks are not forgotten: Sugouši Man Vocaloid met scattered throughout the con, but when he saw the mass foto, he realized how many there were. Hats off to Panda Hero had lovely. Slovaks also brilliant. And then there was one submarine. ca4la Mrtvouši I saw altogether five people who cosplayovali Hetalia of which three were Slovaks. Nothing new, nothing breathtaking. So perhaps do not stand before the demise of the once huge fandom? Perhaps you will add a new manga juice and inspiration for other costumes. Reportedly but was again fabulous cosplay theater, so hopefully gets to me the record. Egouši These guys made themselves known long before Advík and tried to ruthlessly eliminate any not-true-fan competition. As a result, they almost succeeded. Besides these, there was only one other grupa not-so-awesome Avengers and one cute Slovak - Loki, to which they have not received negative waves. For me it meant but four days listening to growl in their direction, Achan over Stark. Rostouši Although it's still not in America, and is an effort to keep it that way, but even so, their number is growing slowly. Who says he saw little devils, please note that Homestuck is really not just about trolls and was the group forever zevlující the entrance to the Gardens. Koňouši Ponies still flies, cosplaye met a few, but only scattered, no groups I had not noticed. Overall, not much, except maybe Pinkie on a scooter. In our hearts still hold live girls from Akiconu. Kruťouši. At most cons roams a lot of poor cosplaye Naruto. But this year I rolled eyeballs, Narutardi probably put back together and was seen a lot of good pieces. Still, I still can not get it out of my head Pein with cropped wig ala stairs ... Pořádkouši. I do not know why, but away from this fandom I expected to have a boom and then decline. But even after years still stands and grows, but instead of the typical Grell and Ciel in a dress that was rather very Alois and his butler fialovovlasý ... ok. Exisťouši. Dudes, Ao no Exorcist is already OUT. But okay, this fandom deserves more than cosplaye quite a few, what was seen last year when it was AnE IN. Chlupaťouši Before, I was glad when they discovered a foiled Pikachu, but now Pokemoni proliferate, especially human version, and they are really good. Princezňouši girl from Disney movies again attracted the attention of a wave, just a pity that they do not matter any more. Prvouš biggest compliment to the guy in the box. He's really nice, but it's a long navlíkání and mating as he really envy. The cosplay was the weekend of good weather. Is alternated with two extremes - the unbearable heat and rain. Sure, drought and sunshine is super, but as hot as the Sahara, where even the undershirt sweat like a pig, not putting people ca4la in several layers cosplaye love. There's nothing hug hug Free soul and keep you in the nose. On Saturday and Sunday, but the rain came, so while the temperature was acceptable, but it was impossible to climb out of the soluble parts cosplaye and nagelovaných ca4la wigs. Cosplayer but must endure another misfortunes. Backfire on you can do anything, even just transportation. Cosplay pamper pampered ca4la and he breaks you as well. Or, get a fever and explain ca4la to your body, you need to have your face painted with a blowing and renovation colors you the points or mood. Red color on textiles you all the stained purple, just lining the red. A way to con you on your best costume spilled drink / hairspray / whatever. Why not ... Our zemička is small, and when you meet more of the same cosplaye is a fire on the roof. Then begins the struggle for a better version, often followed by verbal exchanges with a view to elimination of an adversary. That it sometimes will, just go watch this, whether before Cone, or after it. Cosplay tribute not just about having fun with friends, as claimed by people who do not want to give him as much work, but the impact on your eyesight other otaku who certainly like to see snubbed costume of your favorite character. It is not pleasant to listen to criticism about the people you care about, even though you know that it could be better, or that are not suited to the character. So I would have to stop moralizing and go head omlátit own costumes. c: (This article is part of a review on Advik 2012, made up of contributions from several people. Signpost can be found at Nagato.)
Archive 2014 L

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