Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Search Recent posts CACTUS CRAVE shop across the web shops! New clothes for little money? I sell ..

I've merkal just become aware of the brand Maché that doing something super fine clothes for a very reasonable price (their clothes are anything between 200-700 kr) - actually a bit like Moss Copenhagen, just more "unique". They have a good mix between basic with a twist, and then some individual items that sticks out a little more. Without these Moss too much, I think that they have a tendency to be slightly FOR copycat and can almost only do things that are a direct ripoff of other designers else quite unique designs, which I think is a pity. They also make a lot of nice things, and I own even a part of Moss, meeen sometimes they must be a pony. This is not the case with Maché because they just even adds some pretty fine, but muted details. I especially like their series called "Aura" and should definitely have your hands on anything from here (see figure 1 top left corner) - especially as it will soon be launched in white, which I was really missing in my summer wardrobe - and ESPECIALLY because I just bought a new kitchen and thus is LOW in terms of money for clothes this month. One thing I can continue to go in and that is a sure winner in a tøjkrise is just plain clothes which there is added structure. Small details that together in a black outfit helps to just go the extra mile because the different materials and structures provide games and life. So if you need inspiration for new clothes and do not bother to sacrifice merkal a fortune, delivering newspapers on Sundays or run around in it like everyone else has .. host host moss ... so take a look past Maché. They have both a physical store space downtown in the city, as well as a shop that you can find here:
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Search Recent posts CACTUS CRAVE shop across the web shops! New clothes for little money? I sell .. More than just a wire basket New comments merkal CRAPPYCRAVINGS on CACTUS CRAVE Laura Preuthun on CACTUS CRAVE CRAPPYCRAVINGS on shop across the web shops ... Pia Nielsen on shop across the web shops ... CRAPPYCRAVINGS on HOW I GET MY cravings Archives June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 Categories Uncategorized Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS Create a free website or blog to
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