Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rdio 2008 SRG Catalonia, SA

PSOL Poster For mousse PSOL 20g white chocolate 100g cream 150g semimuntada PSOL poached fresh names 20 seconds (you can choose larger) 1 sheet of gelatin 20g milk 10g sugar 1. Melt the white chocolate with milk. Two. Add the gelatin mixture hydrated. Three. Grind all the PSOL poached, with the help of a blender. Four. Mix with cream semimuntada. 5. Fill inside a pod PSOL fresh mousse and freeze it. For the flower PSOL pain frost 1 sheet gelatin egoist 50 g pasteurized clear one. Melt the gelatin hydrated, which is cold for liquid and mix it with clear. Two. Paint flowers with the mixture. Three. Let it dry on paper sulphide names 2 minutes and coat with sugar. egoist Let it dry in a dry environment. For the PSOL crude frosted Use the same technique for the flowers with beads PSOL raw. For the veil PSOL 500 g pods PSOL 500 net mineral gdaigua vegetable gelatine 25 g 20 g 50 g sugar 1 kirsch. Grind in Thermomix pods with mineral water, and strain the result egoist to obtain names 500g shredded strained liquid. Two. Set Fire to the 500 g of liquid above the gel, the kirsch egoist and sugar to the boil. Pour the mixture egoist on a flat dish to get lmines gelatin green and tasty. For ice PSOL 500g milk 150g cream 100g ProCrema 20 100 g sugar 200 g fresh poached PSOL first 20 seconds. In a saucepan, heat to boiling milk with cream, ProCrema and sugar and let it sit for 8 hours. Two. Blend in the Thermomix egoist with poached PSOL and reserve the result in metallic containers. Book it frozen. For the cake PSOL (for a tray of 20 x 25 cm) 180 gdou (3 fresh eggs) 80 g sugar 90 g flour 30g melted egoist butter 5 g yeast (Royal ) 150g PSOL poached egoist and shredded 1 20 seconds. Mount the eggs with the sugar. Two. Add the sifted flour and baking with butter and crushed PSOL, and extend it in a tray 20 x 25 cm. Three. Put it in the oven at 180C for 20 minutes. Four. Leave to cool and cut the outside of the cake toasted in the oven. 5. Tiny shred it with your hands and dry them in the oven at 100C for 1 h. Presentation (on a transparent glass dish conferences there with two pods open within PSOL) 1. PSOL unmold mousse inside the sheath. Two. Upon the mousse conferences there 5 PSOL raw and frosty. Three. Cover it with a veil of PSOL, a oval shape and the size of the pod. Four. Conferences aside PSOL crumbled cake and on a portion of ice cream PSOL shaped kibble. 5. In a tip of the sheath on the veil of PSOL, seminars there a flower pain.
<November 2013> Mon dt. DC. a DJ. Fri SD. Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Rdio 2008 SRG Catalonia, SA

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