Kesic: mod clothing "In every crisis, the gender gap is rapidly increasing" |
Osmomartovski party in the swamp in the sign of music - and women!
Kesic graduated in psychology and sociology at the Faculty mod clothing of Philosophy in Zagreb, and journalistic career built in at the pre-war Croatian and Yugoslav mod clothing media (Start, Sunday Dalmatia, today, Mladina, NIN ...). Nineties becomes activism, initiator and co-founder of the Citizens' Initiative for freedom of speech, the Center for Women War Victims, Women's mod clothing Human Rights babe ... is engaged in social research, policy analysis, writing mod clothing and editing. Interview with this reporter, journalist and activist close our ožujkovski feminist thematic: Behind you is a rich activist experience. You've been involved in a number mod clothing of non-governmental organizations such as the Citizens' Initiative for freedom of speech, the Center mod clothing for Women War Victims, Women's Human Rights, mod clothing Babe, thus doing one of the most activist in our part of the fight for gender equality. That after all the years of activism (and your contribution) assess the status of women in today's society? What you are satisfied on what still needs work?
VK Citizens Initiative for freedom of speech was not "gender-specific" and actualy was one of the first informal initiatives that are at the very beginning of the nineties indicated the importance of the media and the problems that the media had, or produced. Due to the complete control of the policy of HTV, and complicity with the private media, both private and public media alike have manipulated public opinion and produced nationalist hysteria. Profiteering logic private media was clear then, but it did not happen in direct conjunction with the emerging corporations (except, of course, the media are not problematized privatization), but by the private and public media commercialized nationalism of state policy through extreme sensationalism, political yellowing and all sorts of dirty games. This role of the media, as well as the construction mod clothing of the private media through dubious deals of privatization, are still waiting for their evaluation. Something is either wrong with the foundation, so it is today.
The social status of women? Currently the situation mod clothing is such that we can only repeat truizme about how women in crisis intensified feeling the effects of their inequality mod clothing in all spheres of life. This does not mean that the tragedy textile workers, for example Kamensko greater or more important mod clothing than the tragic situation in which you will find Ship builders, predominantly mod clothing male workforce, after their privatization, or going bankrupt. It just says that the textile industry, where they worked mainly underpaid women, quickly and systematically destroyed the shipyards, to which, by case Kamensko, no one paid attention. Women's groups have occasionally, on the occasion of the eighth Mart, or some similar occasion launched appeals on the growth of female mod clothing unemployment, but the story is just not catching. Nobody paid any attention until they are mixed and some other interests (space, hated media tycoons, and the like), and the army of textile workers mod clothing has long been out of a job, in every crisis, the gender gap is rapidly mod clothing increasing, women quickly lose their jobs, social safety and health they have degenerated, reduces supplements for children, the burden falls on them, care for the elderly and infirm. mod clothing All this reduces economic independence and social equality of women. This means that all the other consequences of possible failure shipyards and unemployment of tens of thousands of new workers, women feel more difficult. There will be an increase in domestic violence, male alcoholism, vigil of education and child in terms of social mod clothing and economic misery, will increasingly fall on the backs of women. Part of them, with the burden of carrying mod clothing the family, probably additionally mod clothing employ seasonal, in tourism, in the gray economy, such as easier to get jobs, but partly because the men lost their traditional role of breadwinner, remain disoriented, harder will adapt to the new situation.
VK In these 20 years, it's been better moments. Women's groups across the region played an important role in the years of war and civil nationalism, when they pointed to gender and social dimension, at a time when everything is reduced mod clothing to ethnic mod clothing nationalism and državotvorstvo. Definitely changed the public sphere that is less sexist than it was, for example, in Yugoslavia, or in the nineties. In socialism was perhaps less of pornography and erotica mod clothing commercialization, but the emancipation of women through model class emancipation and workers' self-management, simply did not happen. Socialism was very patriarchal and hierarchical, although it provided greater security for all, including women.
With a nominal democracy, was somewhat normative equality. Were enacted a law, set out a policy that is supposed to guarantee Ravn
Osmomartovski party in the swamp in the sign of music - and women!
Kesic graduated in psychology and sociology at the Faculty mod clothing of Philosophy in Zagreb, and journalistic career built in at the pre-war Croatian and Yugoslav mod clothing media (Start, Sunday Dalmatia, today, Mladina, NIN ...). Nineties becomes activism, initiator and co-founder of the Citizens' Initiative for freedom of speech, the Center for Women War Victims, Women's mod clothing Human Rights babe ... is engaged in social research, policy analysis, writing mod clothing and editing. Interview with this reporter, journalist and activist close our ožujkovski feminist thematic: Behind you is a rich activist experience. You've been involved in a number mod clothing of non-governmental organizations such as the Citizens' Initiative for freedom of speech, the Center mod clothing for Women War Victims, Women's Human Rights, mod clothing Babe, thus doing one of the most activist in our part of the fight for gender equality. That after all the years of activism (and your contribution) assess the status of women in today's society? What you are satisfied on what still needs work?
VK Citizens Initiative for freedom of speech was not "gender-specific" and actualy was one of the first informal initiatives that are at the very beginning of the nineties indicated the importance of the media and the problems that the media had, or produced. Due to the complete control of the policy of HTV, and complicity with the private media, both private and public media alike have manipulated public opinion and produced nationalist hysteria. Profiteering logic private media was clear then, but it did not happen in direct conjunction with the emerging corporations (except, of course, the media are not problematized privatization), but by the private and public media commercialized nationalism of state policy through extreme sensationalism, political yellowing and all sorts of dirty games. This role of the media, as well as the construction mod clothing of the private media through dubious deals of privatization, are still waiting for their evaluation. Something is either wrong with the foundation, so it is today.
The social status of women? Currently the situation mod clothing is such that we can only repeat truizme about how women in crisis intensified feeling the effects of their inequality mod clothing in all spheres of life. This does not mean that the tragedy textile workers, for example Kamensko greater or more important mod clothing than the tragic situation in which you will find Ship builders, predominantly mod clothing male workforce, after their privatization, or going bankrupt. It just says that the textile industry, where they worked mainly underpaid women, quickly and systematically destroyed the shipyards, to which, by case Kamensko, no one paid attention. Women's groups have occasionally, on the occasion of the eighth Mart, or some similar occasion launched appeals on the growth of female mod clothing unemployment, but the story is just not catching. Nobody paid any attention until they are mixed and some other interests (space, hated media tycoons, and the like), and the army of textile workers mod clothing has long been out of a job, in every crisis, the gender gap is rapidly mod clothing increasing, women quickly lose their jobs, social safety and health they have degenerated, reduces supplements for children, the burden falls on them, care for the elderly and infirm. mod clothing All this reduces economic independence and social equality of women. This means that all the other consequences of possible failure shipyards and unemployment of tens of thousands of new workers, women feel more difficult. There will be an increase in domestic violence, male alcoholism, vigil of education and child in terms of social mod clothing and economic misery, will increasingly fall on the backs of women. Part of them, with the burden of carrying mod clothing the family, probably additionally mod clothing employ seasonal, in tourism, in the gray economy, such as easier to get jobs, but partly because the men lost their traditional role of breadwinner, remain disoriented, harder will adapt to the new situation.
VK In these 20 years, it's been better moments. Women's groups across the region played an important role in the years of war and civil nationalism, when they pointed to gender and social dimension, at a time when everything is reduced mod clothing to ethnic mod clothing nationalism and državotvorstvo. Definitely changed the public sphere that is less sexist than it was, for example, in Yugoslavia, or in the nineties. In socialism was perhaps less of pornography and erotica mod clothing commercialization, but the emancipation of women through model class emancipation and workers' self-management, simply did not happen. Socialism was very patriarchal and hierarchical, although it provided greater security for all, including women.
With a nominal democracy, was somewhat normative equality. Were enacted a law, set out a policy that is supposed to guarantee Ravn
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