Friday, October 25, 2013

6 Stores. An example of the last days. On the occasion of Aid el-Kebir (Holy Sacrifice) French supe

Secular France gives way to Islam: marware school, marware sports, hospital, business, prisons, retail - It's About Time!
Islamization of France covers more and more areas. Secular republic itself while disarmed. Placed in French in my head for years terms secularism and political correctness and related buzzwords like "xenophobia", "Islamophobia", "racist connotations" meant that it is difficult at present to call a spade a spade. This is what was used to "tame" and dressage Christianity, in the case of an active and radical marware Islam simply fails. Not surprisingly, the "republican values" increasingly give way to fields of Islam and rulers include various trade-offs.
1 School. Banned from wearing Islamic headscarves here, but the students more often wear different clothing items associated with the religion and explain that they have no religious connotations, but as integral to their culture. "Compromises" with Islam in school cause it to avoid difficult subjects by teachers in the teaching of history (the Crusades, reconquista, the colonial era and even the Shoah).
Problems are also on music lessons. The nursery has not read fairy tales such as the "three little pigs" (because it is an unclean animal in the end). In school canteens and the dispute has not been going on dishes such as pork, but their total Muslim "kosher" (parents are demanding halal certificate). Future marware citizens of France will not even know the cuisine of the country, which in the eyes of many is indeed the reason for the increased state of alert.
2 Sports. The followers of Islam is based on not only the French marware national team soccer players. A lot of them even in amateur clubs. Hours of training is determined so as not to interfere with the hours of prayer, halal dishes are on the menu of representation, and the sight of people praying on the green grass no one has specifically does not hurt.
3 Hospitals. Mainly state, but it's another marware territory "issue" of Islam with the republic. The same problems as above with a menu and to demand that such patient-Muslim doctor treated the same sex.
4 Firms. There were problems with non-working days (replacing Sunday Friday) or discounted treatment of employees-Muslims during Ramadan. Recently for example, in the offices of Muslims are reluctant to tolerate women in one room. Prepared rejections can bring to an employer accused marware of "discrimination marware on religious or racial grounds."
5 Prison. It's not just a breeding ground of radical Islam, but also a place of Islamic re-education. Approximately 50 per cent. convicts are followers of Allah, in some prisons that number reaches 70 or even 80 percent. Muslims make up the strongest and unrivaled prison subculture, in practice, quite often even duplicated marware administrative authority and have the real power in prisons.
6 Stores. An example of the last days. On the occasion of Aid el-Kebir (Holy Sacrifice) French supermarkets competed to offers for Muslims. I have never bid was not so rich and varied. Halal products reach higher and higher shelves and are already addressed to the local "young, educated from the big cities." So we had to store a range of meat produced for the Muslims of beef, veal and poultry, new drinks, also proposed for the "moderate" red wine Merlot and Chardonnay white and sparkling wines. The novelty is "halalowe" foods in jars for babies (including flavored couscous or tadżinu). They are more expensive than those offered by the French, but they have a Muslim marware certifications. marware Aboriginal halal food market is 350 million and grows at a rate of 10 percent. year.
Examples of the "disputed territories" social space could be given for a long time. The followers of Islam are party to a more dynamic, but about the future of cultural and religious diversity of the country seems to determine demographics. marware But even last a symbolic attempt to stop at Poitiers (more on this here - click) or wake up politicians are some swallows ...

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