Friday, August 15, 2014

Navel place where the belly button can indicate whether a person etsy jewelry is a better swimmer o

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Various studies have been conducted, scientists have shown that some human physical traits may have much to say about the intellectual possibilities of a particular person.
Chest When you hear the comment that a woman 'endowed', I think it is about the size of her breasts or the capacity of the brain? If we assume that it's about the chest and the brain, you will be right, or so claims the research conducted at the "University of Chicago". Sociologists have a group of 1,200 women given IQ tests. The results showed that women with larger breasts on average had 10 points more than the others!
People with waist thinner waist will live longer, etsy jewelry says a study published in the journal "Archives of Internal Medicine." According to the survey, a larger waist circumference is associated etsy jewelry with increased risk of mortality. Women especially need to pay attention.
Navel place where the belly button can indicate whether a person etsy jewelry is a better swimmer or runner, according to a study published in the journal "International Journal of Design and Nature etsy jewelry and EcoDynamics," the person who has placed more navel has placed more center of gravity and and longer legs and therefore the faster it runs. Those who set out below the navel, the faster they swim because they have a longer torso. etsy jewelry
Hips According to a survey conducted by "University of Leeds", in which participating women between 18 and 26 years, women have wider hips and have more sexual partners, as well as a one-night.
The hair red-haired people feel more pain, according to a study published in the "Journal of the American Dental Association." etsy jewelry Scientists have found that a genetic mutation that is responsible for red hair is associated with the way the brain processes pain. In addition, a recent study published in the journal "Nature Genetics" has shown that there is no connection between hair color and intelligence.
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