Friday, January 3, 2014

Unfortunately, the szakadhatóvállás tights becoming more and more delicate result. the original Per

Chemists have long experimented with cheap, synthetic material production, without success, when in 1935, Wallece Carotes invented nylon. Carotes nature organic chemist in 1927, he began a new synthetic material production. In this program, DuPont has invested in and worked for eleven years in the case Carotes et al 27 million dollars. The chemist was convinced that the polymerization, i.e. linking of giant molecules, small molecules can be prepared from inorganic material. ray ban usa A polymer researched, developed with a structure like the selyemszálé, precisely the same, and mass production is also possible. In 1931, after four unsuccessful years, discovered a substance that was as strong as steel, but soft touch, like a spider web. Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine produced a compound, and this thin-fiber-pulling. Unfortunately, very low melt temperature of these fibers, so further improvements were needed.
A further four years to make Carotes who had already suffered from severe depression to realize that water droplets in the compound found to inhibit the polymerization, but this success was evaporating. April 9, 1937 Carotes patented new material and twenty days, two weeks before he was adopted by the patent office ray ban usa of the new material, he committed suicide. I never knew that the substance was given the new name for nylon, and could not predict ray ban usa his sleep, he came to the science that began millions of women nylon stockings, mini wear the men's delight. Of course, not only in fashion, but use of the materials was a revolutionary discovery of nylon. The production of synthetic fibers is still unchanged, liquid polymers via thin kifújják spray orifices, these liquid jets immediately solidify, such as thin as one quarter of the thickness of a hair. The next step is to stretch the fibers, so that the molecules become smooth, glossy and transparent nylon will. The strong fabric made from yarn, and they are now very close to the native tissue material properties.
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A pretty interesting thing was the cikből. ray ban usa A chemical engineer friend of mine said that the nylon was originally a tear, and indeed as strong as steel, but as a stocking up so it could have been used hundreds of times, ray ban usa I had to do elszakíthatóvá prior to launch. Well, the business ... But I still love the stockings!
Information: the first manufactured 4,000 thousand units sold within three hours. 1941 nylon has become an important ingredient for the U.S. because of the war, which is why thousands of women harisnyáikat donated to the home. When the war ended (in Asia), the New York Macy's 50,000 pieces were sold over 6 hours out of it. 1955 was available only in the back seamed stockings. pantyhose initially only produced in the mid-60s, the miniskirt "invention" since
me of my favorite ray ban usa story is that when szegényedtek ray ban usa the urban women (Dejo would know if you've heard this story for which specific time period and region), and could not afford stockings and bare their feet back harisnyavarrást drawn eyeliner.
I hate nejlonharisnyákat: uncomfortable, not breathable, irritating to the skin, one wrong move and break. However, he does not see it perfectly its function, namely to keep warm our legs (and this is especially true neccharisnyákra). One of the worst inventions of the twentieth century ...
Unfortunately, the szakadhatóvállás tights becoming more and more delicate result. the original Perlon stockings in the '40s were still very thick (70-40 each) only in the sixties could even thinner, even in summer wear sweats nélül thin stockings under 20 den constructed ray ban usa today 15-5 den vastagsúak also available ray ban usa ... . thus the info was wrong ...
I was at the time in science class (okay, the year before), I learned that Americans are the second World War. at the time did not get silk from the Japanese, but you just had to parachute constructed something, he invented nylon. Nylon is a name you probably Now You Lousy Old nipponese! (Here you go, you lousy old Japanese!) Initials of the merger of generated. America wanted to express ray ban usa this to the fibers of the genuine Japanese silk will be competitive. What is true, what is not, decide the smart ... :)
What I hate the most in the nylon stockings that when I buy it, then there is one certain color, which is the viseléskorira ray ban usa did not like! For example, the black ... which I think is so pretty disgusting. Sometimes I buy two of each other, they have to be worth something at least, but then the skin is properly ventilated

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