Friday, January 31, 2014

By the way, I think it is absolute nonsense with the excuse karmaloop codes for children under 2 ye

haai .. ^ ^ Have to be planned NEXTEN Saturday sting me a tragus. Although've already karmaloop codes talked with my piercer about it and informed me ... but I would still like to hear from you experiences ... vlt of tragus carrier or carriers ex ..... reported to me but so what keeps her whether it hatt done to you very hurt or what her my what you should definitely know! I look forward to any reply! ever THANK YOU! (Ps: I have multiple piercings ... so am familiar already with the General know of) Best answer:
Hello! As a yoga teacher, I would like to say the following to you: In addition to our visible physical body we have includes an energetic body, the billions of meridians (energy flows). Of course, also flow through the meridians tragus. With a piercing interrupting one or more energy channels. Which and how strong consequences this has on health, is a complex question that can not be discussed here. But the consequences of it. And another note: Until 2 Age (eg earrings for a little girl) does not make the body a long piercing look like after so much - only by then the broken energy lines seek new ways. If I were you (which is never the case), I would give up another piercing without a doubt. Maybe you can you even once ask a few questions before you come to a decision - such as: Why do I really want a piercing? Will I feel better with it? Do I need a piercing? What is the value of my health / my looks? Etc.. All the best and a lot of head and wits! Bye, Margrit
Heyho So tragus. Pain I had after the jump, because I had previously let me immediately (in the same session) sting a further ear hole. The pain was so deafening that the tragus was like taking a walk. The most disgusting are the sounds that you hear relatively accurate and loud. Like a punch ... stop. But you'll karmaloop codes hear yourself karmaloop codes pain came later, and then subjected to the cheek into it, but this means no immediate danger. In nem nasty pimples on the temple you can also get headaches when expressed. The care is difficult because karmaloop codes you can not see half of the surface to be treated and have to work blind. karmaloop codes A rod as Erstschmuck is important because otherwise the piercing too much moved. The wearing tight helmets (motorcycle riding) you can tick off first, the on and settle is murderous. Just as you have to first see if you can listen to music with earbuds or not, do the hypersensitivity the plugs like hurt. So ... I would think about whether now is a good time in your place. A cartilage piercing takes good care at about 3 months. In the period are swimming karmaloop codes pool, sauna and swim in the lake go completely taboo. I have it at Helix disregarded what he thanked me with 9 months of rumzicken (pus, ignite, pus, ignite, PAIN). But it is true only in March come the warm days. Think of good, whether karmaloop codes you're at least mid-July can consistently refrain from swimming karmaloop codes pool, outdoor swimming pool and lake. Later, the jewelry exchange is a pretty nerve-wracking act with me now a horseshoe in it (which cost me several tantrums xD), which I before sleep always judge must, otherwise karmaloop codes it hurts after getting the cartilage because it expresses unfavorably against the ear .
What the meridians and affects so. A not to be underestimated factor in any medicine is the faith that can literally move mountains. Does a patient or whatever one of his treatment, the healing and chances of success are a significant percentage higher than if he does not think much of that. Want to call just So if you be a follower of this doctrine, it could really happen that you realize karmaloop codes something. Or want to remember. But I want to insinuate karmaloop codes anything. If not, then it shows nothing. Mostly. Every now and then there are cases enormous yokels who get facial nerve in such piercings, but then has relatively little to do with this alternative science. The mistake is that if we allow ourselves now pierce one or more earrings in addition, karmaloop codes it would have us go somewhere karmaloop codes visibly worse than the non-pierced. But this is indeed not the case.
By the way, I think it is absolute nonsense with the excuse karmaloop codes for children under 2 years. For whatever a normal rational thinking people apparent reason, which is biologically and scientifically explain the circumstances change karmaloop codes after that? Sounds to me (sometimes quite frankly) after soaked from the ribs excuse so you Glitter karmaloop codes fuss but can hang on the ears of his children and this must have a guilty conscience. For under 2 years that's karmaloop codes exactly the right time. It really karmaloop codes is practical, after that could

Thursday, January 30, 2014

design by copypaste love and shaybay designs.

A few months ago I had posted on my blog that I ordered me two new piercings for the tragus habe.Ich think they're already since the beginning of February is but I've only just managed to make pictures for you :)
It was not so easy that old piercing to get out and the new one goes to machen.Vor especially with my long nails, it is really difficult, so that helped me a girlfriend (with a dental pliers).
Sina 28 March 2012 13:01
This looks great, I could use for my Traguspiercing sometimes new jewelry! But that is always such a fiddly job, the last time I became botero almost mad when I change the plug: D Reply Delete
Eileen. 28 March 2012 22:11
were you shoot the tragus can make (with a normal gun for ohringe the jeweler), or the piercer? how much did it cost and did it hurt? it looks repays fabulous ;) Reply Delete
I let him stab me with the piercer, the tragus is allowed lassen.da shoot in no case it is a knorbel and this may shatter botero when shooting fast. I've already noticed it and was not pleasant degree but all in all not a problem.bauchnabel botero did hurt me more :) I have for 40 or 50 paid, which is rather expensive but comparable to the best few studios are prices sometimes very different :) thank you <3 Delete
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Tragus Piercing

Tragus Piercing
na her, I play with the thoughts, zuzulegen ewatches a traguspiercing, but somehow scares me from the allegedly abheildauer long ... (Did what 6 months?? Read) has a positive or negative of you experience or what should I look if I'd trust me but then once ... Khaleesi Posts: 90 Joined: Fri 17th August 2012, 12:40 Number of shoes: 30 pairs Postal Code: 83 Country: Germany boyfriend / husband: Yes Number of Tattoos: 0 Number of Piercings: 0 ------------------ ---------------------- bimbo dollars: 45 Gifts: 1 -------------------- --------------------
Hi I have for 8 years a tragus piercing. It really took until it has healed me long, but it was not all the time on siffen or so, but it was just "sensitive". The whole lasted about 1 year, after that it feels as if it be not hindered since. When a cousin of mine, it was only three weeks sensitive. From my 11 piercings the piercing of the tragus did hurt the most, but also the only 3 seconds. After that I had the rest of the day light pressure pain, which were the next day and subsided again. As a first application I had a labret titanium, diameter 1.2 mm and length ewatches of about 1 cm (extra length, if it swells). ewatches So I think that the tragus piercing with one of the most beautiful, ewatches and think you should trust you! Talya Posts: ewatches 748 Images: 0 Joined: Fri 9th Oct 2009, 09:57 Post code: 5 Country: Germany boyfriend ewatches / husband: ewatches Yes Favorite color: pink Number of Tattoos: 0 Number of Piercings: 10 ---------- ------------ ------------------ bimbo dollars: 404 Gifts: 2 ------------------------ ----------------
I love both sides tragus ewatches nice andy 100 Posts: 63 Images: 6 Joined: Thu 4 October 2012, 19:45 Number of shoes: 10 pairs Postal Code: 80 Country: Germany boyfriend / husband: No Favourite Colour: black, blue, brown Number of Tattoos: 0 Number of Piercings: 3 ----------- ----------------------------- bimbo dollars: 21 Gifts: 2 ------------- ---------------------------
Huhu I found the Traguspiercing so bad ...... has just 4 weeks was noticeable to me, with my I just felt a feeling of pressure and if you dranrumgefrubbelt tats hurt a bit then, but hmmm nothing else ... have mine now already for 5 years ..... I mostly outside ewatches it but because I was so `` smart `` it was ne long time not drinnenzuhaben and the hole has now minimized to normal ear hole size ...... So it is now use normal plug ..... has anyone here got an idea how I can get the bigger again so that it grows to 1.2 mm? LG lemon Bear Posts: 19 Joined: Mon 8 October 2012, 17:19 Number of shoes: 60 pairs Postal Code: 24247 Country: Germany boyfriend / husband: Yes Favorite color: neon pink / neon green Number of Tattoos: 0 Number of Piercings: 11 ---------- --- --------------------------- bimbo dollars: 19 Gifts: 1 --------------- -------------------------
I also have a tragus piercing. But with me have had the shot it yet 4 years ago So do not imitate God thanks I never had problems with it had So I came nochmit a black eye naddel Posts: 31 Images: 0 Joined: Thu 3 Jun 2010, 15:52 Number of shoes: 10 pairs Postal Code: 1 Country: Germany boyfriend / husband: No Favorite color: pink, turquoise, yellow, white Number of Tattoos: 0 Number of Piercings: 10 --------- ewatches ------------------------------- ewatches bimbo dollars: 19 Gifts: 1 ----------- -----------------------------
Hi, I you do not want to necessarily discourage a tragus, but a friend has had a bad experience ... her ear and face were suddenly numb after a week and the position at the ear is extremely swollen. She then released the ball with 2 clamps and the piercing taken out and after many hours it went back, but they will never again let stand, as it was very uncomfortable. ewatches The stinging ewatches ansich other hand does almost not hurt :) Lg
Aggie Posts: 47 Joined: 13 January 2013, 22:35 Number of shoes: 20 pairs Postal Code: 15409 Country: Germany boyfriend / husband: No Favourite Colour: Blue Number of Tattoos: 0 Number of Piercings: 2 --------------- ------------------------- bimbo dollars: 33 Gifts: 1 ----------------- -----------------------
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

So, the sting is not particularly painful, I found zumindest.Das healing can take up to 6 months. M

So I have until recently had two piercings in your ear above but the one is not healed and I have thus get back and forth bubbles that were really blue after some time. So I have to get one made and the bubbles have gone away again. my mother allowed me again one and I was thinking dorothyperkins to get stung a tragus.
Answer by sugar spider Add your answer dorothyperkins to this question below! tattoo closeup 13th 002 Image by ian.mcrob some close up detail of the freehand shading to the new border by my artist "guy" from Feline tattoo in Sheffield
So, the sting is not particularly painful, I found zumindest.Das healing can take up to 6 months. My piercing I have since 4 months and heals poorly and is quite impractical (headphones not hold properly in the ear, etc). Especially if you ever had the problem that your ear piercing is not healed, I'd recommend you the Traguspiercing not necessarily.
1 the tragus piercing is one of the most dangerous piercings! when it is pierced wrong and ignites can make you seriously follow 2 the last of your piercings are not healed is for me a sign that it was either badly stung, was shot or you have it maintained inadequate. it must be clarified why and why do you have such problems now. if it is then why the piercer can decide whether he pierct or not. 3 a tragus piercing is very painful and the healing dorothyperkins time can be up to 14monaten (because nothing of 6 months -. -), it must be good well maintained and should be charged as little as possible. dorothyperkins with which one can compare the pain ... it expresses a lot easier and the piercer takes a lot of force to pierce through the cartilage.
last but not least: I read you have to ask your mother if you can have a piercing means that you're not of age. I am of the opinion that you should dorothyperkins wait until you are old enough are zuentscheiden to the self, are you driven and cons of the a piercing brings with it not long aware! just wait NEN bit!
I did get stung a tragus piercing to me about a year ago ... the most important is that you aufsuchtst an experienced piercer and the piercing dorothyperkins regularly cleanse (at best with a saline solution). I had the stand virtually no pain (similar dorothyperkins to a helix piercing) but it can take up to a year, until it is fully healed. I would in any case again think twice about me
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

For 3 months now I have a tragus piercing. This is a piercing through the cartilage in front of the

For 3 months now I have a tragus piercing. This is a piercing through the cartilage in front of the auditory input. Hereby I would like to describe jareds jewelry those who are interested in piercing a few things I would like to advance well known. Alsoo, we come to the first point above the determined everyone wants to know something. 1 The pain - when the sting: I had the feeling that time is running a little slower, because I have pushed the piercer that he should make it a little faster. After he had put on the needle, I felt only nothing (thanks to the ice sprays) but then I realized as the needle pierced through the cartilage and through the posterior layer of the skin (for me it has but made no noise, not like in my Helix piercing). Yes, there is pain there but you can endure, so I now did not have to yell or so and the advantage is, once the needle is through, doing nothing hurt. Only the insertion of the piercing may still be a little uncomfortable, but once the piercing sits one is absolutely delighted that one has really pulled through. The piercing process took about 5 seconds. You have to remember, jareds jewelry 5 seconds, "pain" and then you finally has his piercing and (if you want) forever. -The pain afterwards: So I have to say that I first ever had no pain. Really felt I had the piercing, wanted to listen to music through headphones as and when my phone rang. There is a very strong pressure in the cartilage can be felt as soon as you touch the piercing. With me but this feeling was gone after just about 2 days. At first I had a little trouble sleeping on the side of the piercing. It had stopped again this feeling of pressure, which can be really uncomfortable after a while. I have the pain but long gone. 2 Healing The piercer told me I should use the spray for healing support about 3 months. In my opinion, it is already almost completely healed, but sometimes I feel it a little bit. 3 The cost Piercing has cost 55, should then came another 5 for the spray from the pharmacy. 4 Piercing studio? To this end, I say definitely yes, because in my opinion it is definitely better the piercing is to stab with a needle jareds jewelry rather than get stung with a "gun". I have read that it supposedly destroyed the cartilage and you can then get real problems with inflammation and such. 5 Result I am absolutely jareds jewelry happy with my piercing. jareds jewelry I had no problems with inflammation and I'm really glad that I did it. Previously I had a little afraid because I did not know exactly what will happen to me. I leave it to me in Hagen in quality-2 by Matthias sting. He is absolutely helpful, friendly and answered every question. On the website it says that they open at 10 clock, but they open as far as I know, only around 12 For more information, you can even have a look on the page:
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Healing from Traguspiercing The healing process of a tragus piercings can be between two months to

The tragus piercing is a piercing that is stung by the thicker cartilage part of the ear canal entrance. Same as the helix piercing it spread very rapidly in the 1990s. Very often it appears in popular culture, where women as well as men decorate with a Traguspiercing.
Traguspiercing Penetrate the Traguspiercing is pierced with a piercing needle. Since the cartilage is very well supplied with blood during tragus, there is often bleeding. First, the tragus, that is, the thicker cartilage part at the entrance of the ear canal disinfected. The puncture site is marked with a small dot of the piercer. Then the piercing hole is pierced with a piercing needle. Behind the tragus against a piece of cork should be kept to prevent injury smaragd in the ear canal.
Healing from Traguspiercing The healing process of a tragus piercings can be between two months to 8 months. The care that is very important, it is not recommended disinfectant with alcohol content. If you can stand a Traguspiercing may be 4 to 6 weeks not in the water such as the sea or the swimming pool because of the chlorine or salt content. Material Traguspiercing for the tragus piercing is most commonly used surgical steel or titanium. As a jewelry insert smaragd a ball closure ring (BCR) or a labret plug is recommended. Variations on the tragus If the piercing is vertically pierced through the tragus, it is called a surface piercing. But this very often leads to increased complications. smaragd The anti-Traguspiercing is stung by the opposite of the tragus cartilage.
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Monday, January 27, 2014

rod size: 1.2mm length rod: 6mm Ball: ø4mm Material: Surgical Steel 316L A super helix - tr

Product Description
rod size: 1.2mm length rod: 6mm Ball: ø4mm Material: Surgical Steel 316L A super helix - tragus ear piercing barbell. The two piercing bars have both a sweet stone. Moreover, they are connected with a chain. At one end of a cool skull is attached. This gorgeous mr foot ear piercing barbell is a new fashion jewelry which enjoys great popularity.
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Sunday, January 26, 2014


rod size: 1.2mm length rod: 6mm Ball: ø4mm Material: Surgical Steel 316L A cool Tragus - Helix ear piercing. The two piercing bars have both a sweet stone. Moreover, they are connected van den assem with a chain. At one end of a very beautiful owl is attached. This gorgeous ear barbell is a new fashion jewelry which enjoys great popularity.
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

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Categories Eyebrow Piercing Belly Piercing Helix Piercing Lip Piercing Ear Piercing Piercing Piercing & Pain Piercing accidents piercing jewelry septum piercing Tragus Piercing Piercing Triangle Tunnel Piercing Tongue Piercing
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Friday, January 24, 2014

Product Description

Product Description
Gre bar: 1.2 mm rod length: 6mm Star: 6mm Material: 316L Surgical Steel Star stars piercing, off broadway shoes it is very suitable off broadway shoes as a helix, tragus ear piercing. This barbell made from surgical steel is very vertrglich. There is the opportunity to wear it as a normal earring. off broadway shoes The ball has been made to a star that has been bestckt with numerous stones.
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

I got me yesterday decided that I sometimes soon Helix let me stand when I was with my friend at pi

No, I'm not my hair purple color before again flying about any guesses: D yes I mix my hair color always himself and consisting of more than one color. That means I always mix something else to it. And I wanted to try out a different nuance and I like the way almost better than with the color I had before :)
I also had been thinking about me a tragus get stung, but my Helix is already so badly healed because I überleg my dear 3 times :) The unicorns are so cute :) Lilly of Reply Delete
Did that just it already posted on Facebook: so I do not think that this was now the mega pain ... not at all! It's bordershop just disgusting, this through the cartilage, because it must be so made as slowly as not to injure gegnurpsel the rest of the ear :) and when it is finished no longer does it well üüüberhaupt hurt and behaves as if it were always there :) Delete
Looks very nice. :) My tragus bordershop is then "ripped out" always found it so beautiful: (but it would make me on the other side again lassn or directly between industrial tragus and conch :) Reply Delete.
Puuuuhhh ... a tragus I've also had. Had to take out but unfortunately because of work. Now I've basically just stretched my 4 praise ... I have become so normal D: At peak times I had 13 piercings, bordershop if you are the stretched mitzä still 6 D: Reply Delete
I got me yesterday decided that I sometimes soon Helix let me stand when I was with my friend at piercer for his lip piercing. And I will cause then stab me my tattoo, because there really have the damn it! :) Reply Delete
I have also been a few years, a tragus and love it :) However, I do not think I would have the guts to go through with the on the other side still - I found the sting did compared to all other tattoos / piercings hurt the most: D Reply delete
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Free Piercing Eyebrow Piercing Belly Piercing Nipple Piercing Intimate piercing lip piercing Nose P

Product Description
Gre bar: 1.2 mm rod length: 6mm flowering: 6mm Material: 316L Surgical Steel Flower - blossoms piercing, it is very suitable as ear piercing. This barbell made from surgical steel is very vertrglich. There is the opportunity to wear it as a helix, tragus or as a normal earring. A ball has been made to a flowering, which has been bestckt with many blocks.
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Gre bar: 1.2 mm rod length: 6mm Ball: 5mm Material: 316L Surgical Steel This very quickly!

Product Description
Gre bar: 1.2 mm rod length: 6mm Ball: 5mm Material: 316L Surgical Steel This very quickly! Piercing Barbell surgical steel is very good as ear piercing, there is the M possibility to wear it as a helix, tragus or as a normal earring. In many of the ball blocks have been incorporated.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1.2mm (16g) Surgical Steel Ball Closure Ring with flat bottom jeweled disc Please select the requir

1.2mm (16g) Surgical Steel Ball Closure Ring with flat bottom jeweled disc Please select the required size DiameterDisc 4mmDisc by 2 DimplesSuitable for healed piercings only is held. A purpose designed ear piercing jewelry for many popular parkas ear piercing locations. This includes helix, conch and tragus. Extensive designs tragus studs and tragus bars in steel, parkas titanium and bioplast. Sparkling body jewelry is always a big hit! Jeweled nose rings, nose studs and nose bones are certainly a trademark when it comes to take over your nostril. Would you like jeweled solid G5 Titanium Nose Studs, acrylic jeweled nose bone, or sterling silver nose screw with dazzling cz gems made of the highest quality and many options with regard to the various designs parkas we've got you covered!. parkas You have an ear-piercing and need an ear-ring or a labret or even a bar for your ear piercing? You just at the cheapest ear piercing place found jewelry, but with quality earrings for piercing and accessories. . Labret studs are ideal for piercing ear. You can in the cartilage piercing (you want to avoid trouble when you sleep on it!) In you ear lobes natural as a simple earring parkas with or without jeweled ball and more adapted for tragus piercing to avoid irritation from Ball Closure causes rings. here this labret in titanium, surgical steel and gold in all sizes!. You need a ball closure ring for you in your ear piercing, cartilage or tragus? You will find here a selection of Bcr in gold, titanium rings and surgical steel ball closure rings with a wide selection parkas for the decommissioning, such as hematite, plain or jeweled balls and even body spirals. parkas You can certainly find in the accessories section parkas the balls and equipment you only want the closure for your ring. Click here to find all sizes you are looking for here and not anywhere else!. Excellent selection or Pyrex glass Earrings clamping bodies come in a variety of sizes and double flared parkas eyelets styles, and give your stretched earlobes breathtaking views! the pure and transparent appearance of Pyrex give your ear piercings a very clean image. it is a very cool body jewelry! All prices are per each item .. Only excellent quality ear plugs for stretched or stretching ear piercings, mainly earlobe. You will find a nice selection of acrylic ear plugs, nice concave on both sides eyelets with colorful acrylic inlayed hollow bamboo earplugs, and hints and tips for your earlobe piercing stretch. all prices are per piece. some set in surgical steel, and many of them are made of acrylic material, an excellent collection! So, if you go where thinking a size in your ear piercing, then you definitely find the right body jewelry stretch here!. Only an excellent collection of acetal earplugs what you wanted to stretch in size upwards, but in style with your ear. the designs are excellent, and will surely give a very cool and Fashon look at your earlobe piercing. nice looking body jewelry is in this section, look it up!. The world 's most popular articles of jewelry: earrings! So it should be no surprise that the body piercing jewelry. parkas com suggests more than 100 new styles of ear plugs. Essentials of Quality for everyday life, to sparkling cubic zirconia, diamonds and genuine gemstones for evening wear to complement parkas the already parkas extensive collection of styles, carat and color. here 9ct, 18k white and yellow gold, combined with quality cut, cz or real precious stones and diamonds, top quality fashion for piercing your ear. these earrings are generally used for the ear lobe, but why not some of them a customized into your tragus piercing with, or ear cartilage, or adapt your favorite new secure our BioFlex Push - fit labrets? Just e - mail to us and we will be happy to help .. .
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Finally we were boarding. Outward in a bus, a couple kik textil of 100 meters to a plane and the st

In the morning the alarm went off early. I had the night before been brought Dukky and Toyota kik textil to Giethoorn and came home on my bike was still there. kik textil The bags were ready. The big that we had taken a few years ago from Texas and the two that I had taken a week earlier. At Makro As hand we had a camera bag, laptop bag and two backpacks.
Dad came right on time and I drove to the airport of Düsseldorf. It went through smoothly kik textil and we were there in an hour or two. Just one picture and we go in, look for the Delta counter. The check in was also pretty kik textil smooth. We had to answer some questions that nobody kik textil could do anything in our luggage and so stopped. Then the bags were on the belt. The audit also had the belt off and the camera was examined for traces of certain chemicals. All of a hassle but otherwise it just gives a sense of security.
Many shop was not there. We were at the gate outlet and the laptop was on the charger for some play games. Mark and Anke play right now especially something that they can make. A kind of fantasy-dinos
The boarding was done by section of the aircraft. Mark and Anke were in the right wing of the Boeing 767 to the window and we are also in the middle section. Links beside us was a passenger. We went right on time. We went over the Netherlands on Britain to Iceland and Greenland, and then down through Canada to Atlanta. Off the coast of Canada, we saw some great sailing ships, but little visibility. Cloudy but not ideal for the wing. Cruising at around kik textil 800 km / h and about 10 km altitude. We ate something with pasta or something with chicken, mini pizza and drank mostly diet coke.
We arrived kik textil right on time in Atlanta and the suitcases we had soon complete. After an audit we were able to deliver the next plane. Then we had the self control. Even the shoes were off. The laptop was out of the bag again by the scanner and the belt itself, but I had firmly kik textil made off. Also at immigrations went smoothly. Not such Nurkse officer as is often the case, but a young guy where Mark and Anke even allowed to watch on screen. From everyone except Anke also fingerprints and a picture was taken.
Then we went to check in and see if a device was previously feasible. Because we were first transferred from Corpus Christi to San Antonio and later the flight was moved, we had about 7 hours transfer time. Far too long, but it was the genesis. Delta's traaaaaag went. When we turn almost seemed to be someone opened kik textil a new line for check-in. Not convenient! kik textil Then they went away again, there was a bit of a hassle with the rows, but fortunately we were almost an hour after the turn. An earlier flight could not, but at least checked in and boarding passes in the bag.
When first have to eat. Which brought to the Mac in the hall. While I picked kik textil up anything, someone else sat down at the table. I went and got a seat at an empty table away. Then moments later landed a German family there, mothers watched the woman to the chair where I was sitting, and she told her companions several times that it does really kik textil could not. When we left, I gave her my best German seat back on. You should have seen ..... her face!
Then out what shops along. However, an Oakley M-frame view but actually bought anything. Ends and walked into a sort of underground set the piers. Somewhere bought a bottle of water for $ 2.00. Nestle kik textil same water that we would pick up later. Per tray of 24 bottles for about $ 4.00 When we landed at the gate, the grounding plug the laptop charger did not fit in the adapter. Then I bought a different adapter. This laptop was loaded. Mark and Anke were at the gate, what games do and Aafke has just been sleeping on the floor. I have everything monitored and a picture of the skyline of Atlanta. Mark also has a bit wirelessly with Nintendo played with a kid that had to San Antonio.
Finally we were boarding. Outward in a bus, a couple kik textil of 100 meters to a plane and the stairs inside. Mark was just looking at getting into the cockpit. The menu consisted of some peanuts and cookies and drink a little. We had quite thirsty now. Anke actually slept all right and I think we all have some sleep.
Towards the end we saw some more lights down and also some thunder in the distance. Although we left a little late, we were on time in San Antonio. I phoned the plane to Ryan, but it turned out that Norma would pick us up. We had to pack the bags quickly so I called her. She had just missed us in the crowd, we had been just too quick with the coffee

The pottery is very suitable for everyday use, and it is made of a ceramic that microwave and dishw

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

I made an appointment and immediately knew that this was the man I could trust and respect. I

I started a business when I was 22 and combined ultrasone with a larger company
I started a business when I was 22 and combined with a larger company when I was 25 to make it into what it is today. I run an entertainment ultrasone company that books various entertainment (anything from clowns and magicians to artists, comedians and live fire eaters). I work with Nordstrom, UGG Australia, Hunter Boots, TOMS Shoes, Dillards, Bloomingdales and many other major colleges, universities and businesses to book all their live events in their stores or on the site. Dan and Lorraine went the extra mile to make sure we were comfortable,.! the homemade pizza and homemade meals down to the flannel sheets on the bed shelter alone was worth the trip Working with Dan as outfitter and guide Tim Tim Johnson is a lover and deer. spent a lot of time on the phone with us in advance of our trip to maximize our opportunities. success
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

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Friday, January 17, 2014

Although perhaps not quite suitable programmed on a roots festival, Black Mountain was in the Great

Great edition Take Root ALTCOUNTRY.NL
Caitlin Rose had to do it without escorts and therefore it was not easy to convince the audience., Which was just inside, Her efforts between the songs were difficult to make contact. Still, wearhouse she convinced her powerful, clear presentation. And with its cleverly written songs. Especially New York City is beautiful. Also a cover of She darked The Sun (Hey darked The Sun in this case) of Dillard & Clark speaks for itself.
Ben Kyle wanted to follow in the footsteps of his mother, with the national hockey team of Ireland at Wembley defeated the English women, which they acquired a kind of hero status. However, the family moved to America when Ben was thirteen, so it was with that dream anything. Because hockey is not really wearhouse an American sport. Ben was foreman of Romantica, which he brings Irish americana and hockey that he wrote the beautiful The National Song. Later we saw two men as facilitators of Carrie Rodriguez.
Old Crow Medicine Show proved a big house down playing with a wild acoustic hoedown falls. The enthusiasm hit to the audience and that was clever, for all that took place even before six. They can really play these guys, something it sometimes lacks comparable bands.
The end of the afternoon brought an early peak, in the lobby kicked Deer Tick here for sixes off to an energetic and exciting set of vintage seventies country rock, with a nod to the eighties of REM and The Replacements. The focal point of the band from Providence, Rhode Island, the 24-year-old John Joseph McCauley III, the type of friendly white trash. The band played mostly songs from the brilliant latest album The Black Dirt Sessions, as the concert opener Choir Of Angels and the subsequent Twenty Miles. McCauley was visible to the meaning, put forth a bottle of beer or Jack Daniel's at the throat, and walked with ten foot microphone wearhouse cord behind him into the hall. In addition to the high entertainment value Deer Ticks were set high quality, immersive songs were full of verve and brought double guitar and a buzzing, sucking organ. The concert was an amalgamation of rattling and sizzling highlights, culminating in the fantastic Sympathy For The Devil-pastiche Mange, complete with splitting guitar solo. A great performance.
Frank Fairfield was neatly cut, polished shoes, tuck in his pants on stage, just missing his tie. It looked like he was walking on the street during the great depression of the thirties of last century, someone picked him up and had put down. Onstage at Take Root Accompanying himself on banjo, fiddle and guitar wearhouse he made the promise of the organization to make the past of American music heard. With eyes closed, it was like you could hear singing Woody Guthrie. Virtuoso and fast, a pleasure.
Musee Mecanique is a band from Portland, Oregon. The dreamy folk pop harks back to the sixties of Simon & Garfunkel and Californian acts from that time. A cover of Sloop John B (Beach wearhouse Boys) was really saying too much. Originally it was the use of xylophone, but the magic disappeared anyway by some ugly tinny drums.
Although perhaps not quite suitable programmed on a roots festival, Black Mountain was in the Great Hall still count on much public acclaim. Not for nothing, because the lumbering stoner of Canadians from Vancouver sounded very impressive. wearhouse A heavy sound that has elements of Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd and Jefferson Airplane. Musically it all sounded impressive wearhouse with pounding drums, lead bass heavy, proggy keys and Stephen McBeans great game on the Gibson. Other hand it down was the singing of both McBean and Amber Webber who both over their head in a mud seemed to be immersed. Nevertheless, it was fascinating and overwhelming.
Phosphorescents Matthew Houck, the gothic indie folk of Pride (2007) on his latest album Here's wearhouse To Taking It Easy exchanged for raw douwe lush country rock. In doing so, he is also a full band hired to support what is seen Houcks qualities should a warranty for a good concert him. Yet first the strings perils of Phosphorescents guitarist in the opener had to be It's wearhouse Hard To Be Humble (When You're From Alabama) resolved. Houck counterattacks this by itself a great rattling solo on his battered semi-acoustic at best give. From that moment wearhouse on the slate daklje. Houck exchanged numbers of Pride as A Picture Of Our Torn Up Praise and Wolves with songs from his latest: wearhouse Nothing wearhouse Was Stolen (Love Me Foolishly), We'll Be Here Soon and more than amazing The Mermaid Parade. Houck is a frontman with a modest appearance, but

Although the kids last night for 2 hours are paid into sleep I lie on the somehow still awake an ho

Although the kids last night for 2 hours are paid into sleep I lie on the somehow still awake an hour, and at 8:10, the alarm again. Still fairly slept, but we want to quickly get out of here. We shower quickly, hit the 'free' deo Delta on (never seen anything like it ... no thanks), pulling biju the same clothes from yesterday and go have some breakfast quickly. That's not very successful, but we are still working inwards slightly and at 9:00 we are in the shuttle bus to the airport. Around 9:25 we get our trolleys and on to Alamo. We can in the garage we can figure out a Midsize fine again check with the kiosk and, we see a Kia Forte stand, biju and as a joke towards my grandson, we take (adores the Kia grandma)! So really laugh, and drive quickly away towards the center of Atlanta.
Soon we see a little area with a Target, so we quickly buy some deodorant, because that's surely just a necessity with two teenagers and a drink for the road. Then we drive and actually want to drive the Buckhead area where they have a mall. But on the way along the road in the center, we suddenly see a Dillard's, that seems totally fine. So garage and looking for some clothes for us, underwear, socks and t-shirts. We do it nice and similar to that and we feel totally fresh and fruity again for the rest of the day! When I walk to balance the polos and shirts, can I just take some remark biju of men if I do not 'something loosely' can buy a t-shirt or something. And thank you kids ... So come on, I will let them pick out a t-shirt (just become standard white t-shirt Boss otherwise) for me.
Then it's time to really go out and within minutes we are in the car park of Coca Cola World, while it already is now 11:30. biju We get the intro, and then we can walk around at our leisure. The men find it great fun, and should of course only to mom thinking here (the 'Coke biju sample). The design is very nice indeed, but we are two years ago ever been, so for me it did not have it so. But the men have love to their liking, we see almost everything there is to see here and sit back to watch a half hour old advertisements that is fun again! Finally, they go for mommy still to be photographed biju with the original (... really?) Torch of the Olympic Games in London, and I have yet to be photographed with the big Coca Cola bottle, we'll do a round of tests and then it weather was beautiful.
It was already 13:15 so we got quite hungry. We doubt anything to do, but if I say that in the CNN building a food court is, they would like to go there for Orange biju Chicken. Fine, we run great on the Centennial Olympic Park, where a large (religious) meeting, at the CNN building. Find there the men at the back is indeed a thing with Orange Chicken, and then I get a nice salad with a special salad case. It tastes all fine again! biju
Just after 14hrs we walk through Centennial Olympic Park back to the Georgia Aquarium, where a huge row. Fortunately, we can also get tickets by credit biju card from a device (we had done at Coca Cola World) until it says that we should go in for 16hrs! What, that's over 1.5 hours! I ask you as an employee, and that is true ... Good then, because biju we have no sense. Matthew had already suggested to go to the Atlanta biju Zoo, but Robin and I thought this was fun anyway. Anyway, Matthew now has his way, we pick up the car and drive nicely to the Atlanta Zoo.
Again we been there once before, and when we found it very nice. It's not a big zoo, but they do have panda bears, and that's always fun, of course. When we arrive around 14:45, in the parking lot did not seem busy, and that shows in the park. Meanwhile the sun starts to come through a little, and with those jeans is still very sticky and warm ... But yeah, shorts sitting in suitcases. But we have further fine time here. We quickly walk towards the panda bears, and there are a mother a son together, who just active and playing / frolicking be. We have never experienced that, and certainly stand here half an hour to watch and enjoy. I put some pieces biju of the film, really nice!
We continue our path and arrive quickly at the tigers, and here there is a lot of action. Here a mother and two cubs' already quite large, but each other all the time and glands chase, really nice to see! I now think it's time for a break, because my shoes are not really the perfect long-distance running shoes, but yes, the rest is in the trunk ... I'm just fine inside the Repti

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Then to go home, set the table, glass of wine and tuck. We also bought some kind of foil packs with

I must first start with something that I forgot yesterday. When we were good to eat at the Spanish restaurant Alec took something out of his mouth. At first I thought it was a bit hard but no ....... gentleman has another tooth out hahaha. cake design It does not matter! This morning we begin, as you will be accustomed now nice and easy. I agreed with Laura that she no longer needs to sleep for the past week is of course true for so long. So the rest of the week getting up before 9 am, say yes, it is not a holiday, we do have a plan though here! To an hour or two we have a swim and the sun is really quite hear.
With it on special request all test pictures Cirque du Gadget! Well then you have a problem ..... an iPod and phone, but I let the ice cream then? The mission today is to buy school supplies for Laura at Staples, and so after a round bathroom we drive to Posner Park. We had read about the ice creams Twistee treat. On a blog And were found to be good by the ijskenner of the family so that we first tested even once. All a nice swirl, Eugene had a twirl (not in a cone but in a bucket) and Alec who had a good hot dog. Eats no ice This was apparently so good that he has yet achieved. Incidentally, Alec does everything ourselves, even though he just turned 7. He asks us what to say, it exerts a time and everything will be fine. He is now so far that he knows exactly example at Manny's what he wants and how he wants it, "Manny's steak, medium with fries and an apple juice please". One hot dog with ketchup and onions please ........
After this delicious ice cream, I stepped back about my antipathy for Ross dress for less and once beyond cake design the front door was. Fair is fair (sorry for the fans) I find it nothing. But ..... I do have a dress and two tops purchased. From there we drove to Staples and we are still not very well not normally much rain in such a short time inside or crack a storm loose. Laura is successful for many things, but as ordinary rules you do not get here, it's either all or thick ring binder notebooks cake design with hard cover. We also have what to buy in the Netherlands. At Best Buy, we have a nice docking station / clock radio thingy bought for her iPod that is getting all the time changes color. What more could you want. There is also music on her ipod course, Selena Gomez, the Disney star. Laura's giant fan and let Selena doing his giant popular here. You do not have to turn on the radio or she is with her latest hit .... and we sing nanana but if you are ready come and get it nananana cake design ....... On September 4, Laura's birthday cake design and give Selena a concert in Antwerp cake design and now you may guess, nanananana. Finally to Target, get some goodies for tonight (which we eventually even been the Publix) and for our Magic Kingdom day tomorrow. Laura was very happy with all the stuff they have been told they have a spontaneous round of Starbucks pelted ..... look how happy she is hahaha:
Then to go home, set the table, glass of wine and tuck. We also bought some kind of foil packs with cocktails that you put in the freezer and with some patience cake design to sit for an hour or so late. Magarita, Pina Colada, Strawberry Daiquiri and Peach Daiquiri. Let's hope that we lust, but again all with fruit :).
Laura and Alec are still lovely in the pool and Gene is already watching on his iphone what to do tomorrow and in what order. We have a super app where we play a lot of tips. Definitely worth. I assume that we are very late coming home tomorrow so the blog will appear the day after tomorrow. To (about) tomorrow, Saskia @ Hannie: I'd love to, I have some sunglasses from him. But the shoes I saw were $ 800 ..... too intense for me hahaha. @ Joke and Gerrit: Thanks for the tip! @ Fam Huisman "well that's quite a coincidence say You're definitely in the sense it is a lovely house and super quiet here Thank you for reading about @ Nati780:... Already a very good trip, we have chosen buy, as long as the rental not recommend any international driving license will not run so fast. however ..... for the money you do not have to leave.
You have had a nice relaxing day. Well done to Alex that he ordered everything himself in English. The sizes of notebooks and writing cases here deviate from the standard A4 size - most of it is here Letter Size and binder rings are also different. Besides, cake design there are already Staples stores in the Netherlands, if you have the collection of this store like it - of course, or in A4 format ;-) Laura has also been well geshopped,

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bob Dylan -

In a previous post I talked about the debut of Shocking Blue. When the group in 1969 switched to the Pink Elephant label Dureco newly established there was a search for a replacement for the singer in the mid 1968 was a call for military service. Robbie Van Leeuwen decided he wanted complete with a singer. His group He asked Annet Hesterman.
Who is that? Annet Hesterman took early age participating in children's musicals and talent shows. At the age of 17 she sang the song "Wear shoes to walk '(or' These boots are made for walking). At age 19, she participated in the National Contest of 1969. Later that year year they hit an offer to join the Shocking Blue. Group member She was instead (briefly) a member october birthstone of The Rodys with whom she recorded a single. She soon left the group to the female half of the duo Sasha & Paul to be in the eighties october birthstone followed by Phill & Company (together with Eddy Cornard). october birthstone Which she scored a number one hit in Scandinavia. She still makes music with her husband Cees Cools. "Wear shoes to walk the single with The Ro-D-Ys. october birthstone 1. Winter Woman 2. Looking for Something Better
A dive into the world of vinyl, rare and unusual records. This blog is about music on vinyl (45 rpm, 78 rpm and 33 rpm) of copyright holders who do not want their music to be heard here, give a call and the music track disappears from this blog. In any case, the music here only present an informative and educational title
Bob Dylan - "Positively 4th Street" (CBS EP 6210) November 1965
2013 (160) November (1) October (7) september (10) of August october birthstone (13) July (17) June (17) May (10) April (43) of March (17) February (18) january (7) 2012 ( 499) december (11) november (19) of October (19) september (37) of August (51) July (31) June (43) May (49) Rory Storm and the Hurricanes Otis Redding - Shout Bamalama / Fat Gal (King 45 -614 ... The Incredible String october birthstone Band Doc Watson (1923-2012) Bob Dylan sings Reverend Gary Davis (1961) The Golden Earrings -? Can not find Billy Preston - That's the way God planned it (196 ... The Beatles - Dear Prudence Annet Hesterman Nanci Griffith - Boots of Spanish Leather (1993) Shocking Blue - Love is in the Air (1968) Doug Sahm & Band - Is anybody going to San Antone "... Mike Sheridan and the Nightriders The Fantastic Expedition or Dillard and Clark (19 ... Bob Dylan - Who Killed Davey Moore (1963) The Northern California State Youth Choir - To my ... Jimi Hendrix Experience - Can You please crawl out ... Tony Bennett - Blue Velvet ( 1951) Kenny Burrell - Girl Talk (1966) Bob Dylan - May 17, 1966 in Manchester Free Trad ... The Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem - Carrickfergus ... Paul and Paula - Hey Paula (1963) John Cleese - The Rhubarb Tart Song (1967) The Four Flickers - Long Tall Texan (1959) The House of the Rising Sun The Spiders - I'm Slippin 'In (1954) The Yardbirds - "I Wish You Would / A Certain Girl" ... Donald " Duck "Dunn (Memphis, November 24, 1941 - T. .. This Strange Effect (1965) The Marvelows - I Do (1965) Keith Relf (22 March 1943-14 May 1976) Are you going to Scarborough Fair (Parsley, Sage, ... Joey Dee & The Starliters - Shimmy Baby (1960) Il était une fois - J'ai encore reve d'elle (1975) ... Let me in my footsteps (1962) Bob Dylan - I Pity The Poor Immigrant (1968) Bob Dylan - The Ballad Of Donald White (I guess yo ... The Clancy Brothers and Bob Dylan The Beatles - She's leaving home ... The Aantwaarps in "Yellow Submarine" The Art Reynolds Singers - Jesus is just allright ... Bob Dylan - "Bonnie, Why'd You Cut My Hair?" - 22 ... Nancy Sinatra - Sugar Town (1966) See Emily Play .... Dick Willebrandts and his Orchestra october birthstone - Deep in my ha ... Solomon Burke - The Originals Donovan - Legend of a girl child Linda (1966) Cat Stevens - Here comes my baby (1967) Jean "Toots" Thielemans - Bluesette (1963) Only (106) of March (132) February (1)
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Amsterdam - Holly Kern is a 19 year old blogger from Arizona. Holly wants to be a stylist, but for

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Amsterdam - Holly Kern is a 19 year old blogger from Arizona. Holly wants to be a stylist, but for that they need more inspiration and it gets them out from Arizona! Therefore, they will soon leave for Paris to pursue her dream. Starting sexy jeans at a young age she is fond of fashion. She gets inspired by it, so they often look at fashion films and they all spit through fashion magazines.
<< NEW APP: Beautypedia NEW FASHION FIND: Petals of sequins >>
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Tags: Blogger it Arizona Dillards Fashion Fashion News fashionista of the week Forever 21 H & M Holly Kern iSpy Fashion Diary Short leather pants Fashion Blogger NEWS Trends Category: TRENDS
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That's do fetch! This year the film Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan in the lead again ten ...
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Do you think you are with the stretch piercing in your ear? Very progressive Think again, because t

BABY Baby Celebs Kids BEAUTY Beauty tips Beauty Videos Food Health New CELEBS Celeb fashion blunders Celeb Outfits Get The Look LIFESTYLE Do It Yourself Home SAMPLE SALES Kids One Woman Tips Travel Jobs MUST HAVES Get The Look Hotlists Outfit Inspiration Shop Tip: Shopping discount Wannahaves NEWS PHOTO DIARIES Annic Danie Elise Josh Liesbeth - Blog Nikkie Yolanthe REPORTS Blogger Outfits Events Fashion Jury IT Girls street style trends Ultimate Favorites By Wardrobes TRENDS Autumn - Winter 2012/2013 Spring - Summer 2013 WIN!
Amsterdam - Holly Kern is a 19 year old blogger from Arizona. Holly wants to be a stylist, but for that they need more inspiration and it gets them out from Arizona! Therefore, they will soon leave for Paris to pursue her dream. Starting at a young age she is fond of fashion. She gets inspired by it, so they often look at fashion films and they all spit through fashion magazines.
<< NEW APP: Beautypedia NEW FASHION FIND: Petals of sequins >>
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Tags: Blogger it Arizona Dillards Fashion Fashion News fashionista of the week Forever 21 H & M Holly Kern iSpy Fashion Diary Short leather pants Fashion Blogger NEWS Trends Category: TRENDS
What? As Account Manager you will be responsible for approaching (potential) customers and maintaining customer relationships. You ...
That's do fetch! This year the film Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan in the lead again ten ...
Last summer robe di kappa we did of I Love Fashion News already on the Color Run and now ...
Do you think you are with the stretch piercing in your ear? Very progressive Think again, because there is ...
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Two Girls axis Saints baby game Agnes and Dorothea

Honestly, I bought the year of magical thinking ever since I saw that Rory was reading in Gilmore Girls. I soon found out that I should leave that book as it was a little baby game too far away all. My love for books existed, my love for 'real literature' yet. I think I can even say that at that time I was still discovering what exactly is beautiful and / or find important - both in books and in 'life'. Or, 'my life'. It just did not fit, then.
Not long ago I was told that a new memoir would come from Joan Didion, Blue Nights out. I decided that I should try and now could penetrate. To me the year of magical thinking That did it.
Joan Didion describes in this book the year after the death of her husband, John Gregory Dunne. He died suddenly, after visiting their daughter Quintana who was in a coma in the hospital, of a heart attack. After a marriage of forty years Didion alone and she understands nothing at all. She can not get a grip on the loss, the sudden absence. The magical thinking from the title has to do with the disbelief that Didion came on. It can not be throwing away his shoes because he would as soon as he came home, need to charge his mobile baby game phone, these are examples of the state in which they have a long wrong, a state that Joan Didion describes itself as real madness :
Deep sorrow appears to be that none of us knows, until we end up itself. baby game Place (...) When it comes to a sudden death, we may expect a great shock. What we did not expect is that the shock is destructive, disruptive for body and mind. We expect to be, to be mad with grief. Inconsolable perhaps paralyzed What we did not expect to be crazy: a cold-blooded type that believes that her husband will soon return and then his shoes needs. (P. 165)
We know in advance nor anything (and therein lies the crux of the difference between grief as we imagine and mourning as it really is) the unending absence that follows, the void, the opposite of all that is meaningful, the relentless succession of moments in which we experience the futility itself. (P. 166)
Why this book now such an impression on me is not entirely clear to me. Yes, it's beautifully written. And yes, it's huge personal and so raw - Joan Didion baby game let us, the readers, are very close. You can feel how she feels invisible, unreal, baby game not here, and the words that she has put on paper seem to help at reality her back. I do not know how it works, but works.
Didion has never literally grief, there are few tears for this book. A sentence like "I do not know how many times I suddenly blinded by tears behind the wheel." (P. 104) is an exception. This is not a book directly in the first chapter to let you penetrate how special baby game it is. By When I came towards him, and when I was about half I wished that the pages would never cease.
As I said recently her follow-up baby game memoir Blue Nights (the Dutch translation will be published early next year) published baby game herein Joan Didion writes about the death of her daughter Quintana (she died during Didions promotion for The Year of Magical Thinking) . I ordered baby game the book as soon as I had from Magical thinking.
Two Girls axis Saints baby game Agnes and Dorothea
The elusive girl: charitable gifts
We had agreed? (Part 2)
albert camus alejandro Zambra alessandro Baricco alice munro Amity Gaige Andre Aciman anne carson Annie Dillard Bas Heijne'm lerner biography brian moore Cees Nooteboom charles dickens christine ots Colum McCann connie palms david last emma forrest Emily Bronte Ernest Hemingway erwin mortar essays f. scott fitzgerald fernando pessoa five dials florian Illies francine prose Georges Simenon Gerard baby game Walschap Glenway wescott Haruki Murakami baby game hermione lee JD Salinger baby game james wood Jannah baby game pays jens Jeanette Winterson Jeffrey Eugenides Jennifer Egan Joan Didion johanna kaiser berryman john john john williams cheever Joost Zwagerman O'Connor joseph joseph o 'neill baby game julian barnes Junot Diaz Jón Kalman Stefánsson karl ove knausgård baby game katherine mansfield Knut Hamsun Kristien Hemmerechts lydiadavis Lynne Sharon Schwartz baby game maggie nelson Marilynne Robinson marja Prussian mary ruefle michael cunningham Michel de Montaigne Milan Kundera millen fire Nathan Englander nature nicole krauss ook the young olivia laing patti smith paul murray baby game pascal mercier baby game Peter Delpeut Rainer Maria Rilke Raymond Carver Robert M. Pirsig robert macfarlane Roland Barthes sara sarah maitland hall hertmans stefan stefan stephen zweig be

Monday, January 13, 2014

17-10: Dusseldorf - Fort Myers 18-10: 19-10 Fort Myers Beach: Fort Myers Beach - 20-10 Rotonda Roto

To our great sorrow yesterday our father and father deceased. Our originally planned trip to New York City - Washington DC - Rotonda we have canceled today and in its place has come a shortened version just to the west side of Florida.
Because it really seems like Loek and I suffer from chickenpox, measles or something we can not with propriety in shorts or skirt anywhere without ferre having to answer questions. The flea bites expand still more out despite spraying, ferre sucking and cleaning the rooms. We decided this morning danook but nice to stay here (very welcome after a night of haunting, crabs, lubrication of all kinds of remedies, even more haunting and especially crabs even more). It is so nice and relaxed breakfast outside and swim in our own pool. It still seems fresh water to do the lunar landscape on our arms and legs, and so we linger in the water grateful as long as possible. Around one o'clock we have all something enough and it is time to take action, and so we go slowly showering, washing machine test and ultimately towards the mall in Port Charlotte to go. We want to film the 'Stepfather'. It continues fortunately still some time left to the local mall and Macy's to visit while men settle down at Starbucks. I'm looking for something for a wedding ferre next month and find at Macy's outfit and a pair of shoes at Dillards, is also regulated again. The film turns out to be exciting and entertaining, and I keep the comments and reactions of the Americans in the audience again and love it here in the States, ferre it really brings a smile to my face. After the movie we look around before we go back home. The Italian men cook tonight while the ladies on the terrace enjoying a nice glass of red wine: this is the life!
17-10: Dusseldorf - Fort Myers 18-10: 19-10 Fort Myers Beach: Fort Myers Beach - 20-10 Rotonda Rotonda 21-10: 22-10 Rotonda Rotonda ferre 23-10: ferre 24-10 Rotonda Rotonda 25 -10: 26-10 Rotonda Rotonda 27-10: 28-10 Rotonda Rotonda - Fort Myers Beach 29-10: Fort Myers (BEach) - Dusseldorf 30-10: ferre Back home
2009 (22) of October (15) BACK HOME AND THE WAY TO GO THERE Loaded, BUT IF THAT FITS IN THE CAR! OF EVERYTHING AND SOME! HALLOWEEN COMES ... AND WE HAVE OUR costumes A. .. CRABS - SWIMMING - SHOP & FILM AWAY WITH FLEAS (or related scum)! RELAX, JUST DO IT! SHOP TILL YOU DROP! Myakka River State Park MOSES ... TUS TUS HENG HENG ... FIRST DAY AND YET BRRR a bit cool travel day ... ALWAYS tiring ... THE STATE OF 10-9 - 8 .... D (EPARTURE) - DAY! September (1) of August (2) July (1) March (3)