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home> architecture> Plans> Infrastructure> English Rural Landscape in undulating roof - Stratford Kiosks kunert CONTEST 2011th January 11 13:20 CET opinion architects, artists: Arpad Ferdinand [12] Csaba Ferdinand [7] landmark Stratford [1], United Kingdom [37]
London's busy transport hub of Stradford designed multifunctional pavilions from Hungary also participated in a design contest architects. kunert Csaba, and Arpad Ferdinand Ferdinand concept of one striking - outlined, undulating roof line has teamed space - the English abstract landscape evokes. kunert The building is conceived to operate in a sustainable manner, kunert renewable energy sources, including pedestrians crossing power to electricity generating panels.
The contest is a major transportation hub pedestrian zone is formulated to design pavilions that meets functional requirements by the announcer during the 2012 Olympic Games and beyond.
The concept is very simple. No kind of pavilion, construction of rural English landscape recommend Meridian Square transportation hub located in the heart of Stratford Town. Why? First, we wanted to build integrated water kiosks, walls and roof mounted in vízfüggönyből, but we understand that nature is abundant kunert rainfall ensures supply in London, so gave up on that. So instead of water walls in the countryside have composed some of the elements: grass, hill reasons, trees, flowers, fence, lambs, river and lake. In this way, we can build the Thames winding landscape, specifically a curved section also used. The desired functions kunert (multi-functional exhibition space, cafe, information, ticket offices, newspapers, public toilets etc) are housed under this roof forming undulating landscape.
1000000 visitors each year provides an excellent opportunity for all types of message delivery. First source of information was likely the River Thames in London, every day new data provided the weather, or the flank of the animal world (something in the water). Reflected the sky, revealed a multitude of colors, depending on the time of day and the environmental impact. And what do people in it are reflected in the ever-moving news ticker épületeinkkel and artificial világításunkkal. kunert As the project is continuous információáramoltatáshoz available LED panels, waves software. LED rippling streams, rivers create an LED-covered roof of the rural landscape showing Butuan, a form borrowed from the Thames.
The only thing I had to do was to not recommend the building kunert design. Any form is not found out for himself, but also form a strong kunert one, and each component is determined by the final look of the project with them.
The planning area is nothing more than a major transportation hub very strong daily traffic: double-decker buses, trains, taxis, cars and pedestrians coming and going. This could be called a huge traffic market, where different means of transport