Sunday, April 26, 2015

News National International Sports Commerce Entertainment Health Crime States Bihar Jharkhand Madhy

News National International Sports Commerce Entertainment Health Crime States Bihar Jharkhand Madhya Pradesh ahkah Uttrakhand Himachal Pradesh Entertainment Music Movie Television Editorial Editorial ahkah Views article (Article) couplets (Phrase) ahkah expressions (Thoughts) Fetured Writer Lt. Lallan Prasad Thakur Lt. Aaryaavart team Alok Tomar About Us Contact Us Goggle + Contact on Facebook Contact on Twitter Advertise With Us
Aaryaavart for publishing news and articles on mail directly to the editor.
Home Articles, Country Exclusive: corrupt officers like Singh Yadav in Uttar Pradesh in particular: the corrupt officials like Singh Yadav in UP
Hundreds of thousands of black money white engineer Yadav Singh, red tape bureaucrats, politicians-businessmen, linked to the world of criminal mafias and the thousands crores Riylstet businesses as Blackmni exists. Just need to see him from the perspective of justice. Oddly enough the fact that all this is happening under the nose of black money Akhilesh government. Whether officials in the Secretariat or in districts or departmental sector by the millions on the strength of its influence-are uncommon. The meaning is clear only if they have received official protection scandals, allegations of thousands of crores, despite thousands of crores have succeeded in creating their empire and blame in the investigation may even act in the name of the file ready Dhunl cleft power Dftron is. Can be said that if indeed Modi's henchman Fourteen hundred million people he bring black money stashed abroad as well as the first nation leaders, bureaucrats, traders deposited trillion-trillion Kaladn Please seizures
Cakane thing and do it or else. Millions and millions of overseas deposits Kaledn aside when Protests across the country are falling, thanks to strong ahkah action on corrupt prime minister Narendra Modi is the big reveal of black money in the country, on the other hand the government has brought in the dock . The black money and nobody but the government is part of the lord. The title of engineer, Tnkr

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