Memory Oia intended as an instrument to collect and disseminate microhistoria and popular culture of this parish, once defend and to value their heritage archaeological, ethnographic and natural. An open window on the participation of those who have something to say and share, microstories, documents, stories, photos or stories that were broken topman uk into anonymous in attics or in the memory of our grandparents.
For centuries navigation posed enormous risks for fishermen and sailors by the precariousness of the vessels and by the absence of navigation systems and signals. During the sixteenth and seventeenth one in three ships that crossed the Atlantic not returned, topman uk and with it, the crew. With illustration of the XVIII begins a shy luminaire installation in the most difficult for navigation, the first one in the Tower in 1791. The first lighthouse in the Vigo estuary was the mount of the guide, built in 1844 to mark the entry port of Vigo. The mouth of the estuary was illuminated topman uk for the first time in 1853 with the installation of the luminaire Montefaro Cies islands. A mid-nineteenth century there were just across topman uk the Spanish coast twenty lighthouses that used lamps supplied with olive oil, then moving to paraffin and oil. In 1862 the lighthouse inagurouse Silleiro, initially built sea level and superseded by the current, a higher share in 1924. The electrification began in the late nineteenth and the use of sirens. The first electric lighthouse along the Galician coast, and Spanish topman uk was Vilano out in 1881, Finisterre would not be until 1931 boat aground on a beach.
After the Civil War are constructed leading lights port Canido consistent in a tower in the sea height Marosa and another in tip dock works with which they ended the construction of this port started in 1933. Years later, the rise-Radio Beacon Cord Stand, set endowed with a lighting tower, beacon and siren. The tower Cabo Stay is not a beacon flashlight swivel comes to be a leading topman uk line that helps the positioning of ships through a fixed light projecting topman uk from a small window. The beacons were another tool to support navigation began installing in the twenties with the function of transmitting warnings boaters. Beacon Cape Stay
A trailer das signage develop lifeboat, like so many other things, came to this country after decades of implementation by the countries of the north, initially as a form of altruism charitable charitable. The Spanish Society Lifeboat founded in 1880 established the first rescue station on the Galician coast ports as Ribadeo, Ferrol, Coruña, Corrubedo Vilagarcia, camber and Vigo. Following the example of England where he acted from 1824 to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
The wrecks are part of the story more dramatic waterfront people topman uk of Galicia, with which coexisted for centuries and that left about 2000 shipwrecks in the funds of our coast. Neles killed hundreds of sailors, topman uk crew and passengers. However, those tragedies supposed occasional joy material topman uk for impoverished coastal inhabitants who benefited from the remnants of the wreck, and that seems not always been simple accidents. Today remains some debate among historians and experts from the world of the sea on the practice of raquerismo on the Galician coast. Practice of subsidence caused from the coast to collect the remains of the wreck. The raquerismo appears well documented in other cultures finisterre Atlantic as the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland or Cornwall in Britain, and was mentioned by some authors on the Galician coast, topman uk especially in the Costa da Morte. topman uk In the described placing a lamp hanging light on the horn of a cow who was walking in a place visible from the coast, producing a swinging light simulating a boat sailing, approaching the shore watching the boats and this signal aground. Although raquerismo is discussed in recent times, it seems not so much in the past as the seventeenth topman uk and eighteenth centuries where it was used as a defense by the populations of the coast against pirate topman uk attacks Turkish and Norman, and must remain at later times as a cruel form of prey. Regarding the looting of wrecks, it was considered that everyone had the right to take ownership of what had been left to "walk the rachis", although in many
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